Public Variable |
Short Description |
parse-timestamp (clj)
Parse a string containing an RFC3339-like like timestamp. |
read-instant-calendar (clj)
To read an instant as a java.util.Calendar, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. |
read-instant-date (clj)
To read an instant as a java.util.Date, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. |
read-instant-timestamp (clj)
To read an instant as a java.sql.Timestamp, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. |
validated (clj)
Return a function which constructs an instant by calling constructor after first validating that those arguments are in range and otherwise plausible. |