
clojure.test extension for JUnit-compatible XML output. JUnit ( is the most popular unit-testing library for Java. As such, tool support for JUnit output formats is common. By producing compatible output from tests, this tool support can be exploited. To use, wrap any calls to clojure.test/run-tests in the with-junit-output macro, like this: (use 'clojure.test) (use 'clojure.test.junit) (with-junit-output (run-tests ' To write the output to a file, rebind clojure.test/*test-out* to your own PrintWriter (perhaps opened using

For more info about this library see:
Public Variable Short Description
*depth* (clj)
*var-context* (clj)
element-content (clj)
error-el (clj)
failure-el (clj)
finish-case (clj)
finish-element (clj)
finish-suite (clj)
indent (clj)
junit-report (clj)
message-el (clj)
package-class (clj)
start-case (clj)
start-element (clj)
start-suite (clj)
suite-attrs (clj)
test-name (clj)
with-junit-output (clj) Execute body with modified test-is reporting functions that write JUnit-compatible XML output.