

For more info about this library see:
Public Variable Short Description
<! (clj) takes a val from port.
>! (clj) puts a val into port.
Mix (clj)
Mult (clj)
Mux (clj)
Pub (clj)
admix (clj) Adds ch as an input to the mix.
admix* (clj)
alt! (clj) Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations, as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding to the operation completed.
alts! (clj) Completes at most one of several channel operations.
buffer (clj) Returns a fixed buffer of size n.
chan (clj) Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer (like (map f), (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an optional exception handler.
close! (clj)
do-alt (clj)
do-alts (clj) returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued.
dropping-buffer (clj) Returns a buffer of size n.
filter< (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
filter> (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
go (clj) Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the calling thread.
go-loop (clj) Like (go (loop ...)).
into (clj) Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied collection.
ioc-alts! (clj)
map (clj) Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be closed.
map< (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
map> (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
mapcat< (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
mapcat> (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
merge (clj) Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which contains all values taken from them.
mix (clj) Creates and returns a mix of one or more input channels which will be put on the supplied out channel.
mult (clj) Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel.
muxch* (clj)
offer! (clj) Puts a val into port if it's possible to do so immediately.
onto-chan (clj) Deprecated - use onto-chan!.
onto-chan! (clj) Puts the contents of coll into the supplied channel.
partition (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
partition-by (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
pipe (clj) Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to channel.
pipeline (clj) Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n.
pipeline-async (clj) Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n.
poll! (clj) Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately.
promise-chan (clj) Creates a promise channel with an optional transducer, and an optional exception-handler.
pub (clj) Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel, partitioned into topics by the topic-fn.
put! (clj) Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn1 (if supplied) when complete.
reduce (clj) f should be a function of 2 arguments.
remove< (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
remove> (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
sliding-buffer (clj) Returns a buffer of size n.
solo-mode (clj) Sets the solo mode of the mix.
solo-mode* (clj)
split (clj) Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned false.
sub (clj) Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub.
sub* (clj)
take (clj) Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch.
take! (clj) Asynchronously takes a val from port, passing to fn1.
tap (clj) Copies the mult source onto the supplied channel.
tap* (clj)
timeout (clj) Returns a channel that will close after msecs.
to-chan (clj) Deprecated - use to-chan!.
to-chan! (clj) Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll, closing when exhausted.
toggle (clj) Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix.
toggle* (clj)
transduce (clj) async/reduces a channel with a transformation (xform f).
unblocking-buffer? (clj) Returns true if a channel created with buff will never block.
unique (clj) Deprecated - this function will be removed.
unmix (clj) Removes ch as an input to the mix.
unmix* (clj)
unmix-all (clj) removes all inputs from the mix.
unmix-all* (clj)
unsub (clj) Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub.
unsub* (clj)
unsub-all (clj) Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub.
unsub-all* (clj)
untap (clj) Disconnects a target channel from a mult.
untap* (clj)
untap-all (clj) Disconnects all target channels from a mult.
untap-all* (clj)