

For more info about this library see:
Public Variable Short Description
->Call (clj)
->Case (clj)
->CatchHandler (clj)
->CondBr (clj)
->Const (clj)
->CustomTerminator (clj)
->Dot (clj)
->EndFinally (clj)
->Fn (clj)
->Jmp (clj)
->PopTry (clj)
->PushTry (clj)
->Recur (clj)
->Return (clj)
->Set! (clj)
-item-to-ssa (clj)
Call (clj)
Case (clj)
CatchHandler (clj)
CondBr (clj)
Const (clj)
CustomTerminator (clj)
Dot (clj)
EndFinally (clj)
FN-IDX (clj)
Fn (clj)
IEmittableInstruction (clj)
IInstruction (clj)
ITerminator (clj)
Jmp (clj)
PopTry (clj)
PushTry (clj)
Recur (clj)
Return (clj)
Set! (clj)
add-block (clj) Adds a new block, returns its id, but does not change the current block (does not call set-block).
add-instruction (clj) Appends an instruction to the current block.
all (clj) Assumes that itms is a list of state monad function results, threads the state map through all of them.
aset-all! (clj)
assoc-in-plan (clj) Same as assoc-in, but for state hash map.
async-custom-terminators (clj)
block-references (clj) Returns all the blocks this instruction references.
count-persistent-values (clj)
debug (clj)
default-sexpr (clj)
destructure-try (clj)
emit-instruction (clj) Returns the clojure code that this instruction represents.
expand (clj)
fixup-aliases (clj)
gen-plan (clj) Allows a user to define a state monad binding plan.
get-binding (clj) Gets the value of the current binding for key.
get-block (clj) Gets the current block.
get-in-plan (clj) Same as get-in, but for a state hash map.
get-plan (clj) Returns the final [id state] from a plan.
id-for-inst (clj)
index-block (clj)
index-instruction (clj)
index-state-machine (clj)
instruction? (clj)
is-special? (clj)
item-to-ssa (clj)
let-binding-to-ssa (clj)
local-init-to-ssa (clj)
map->Call (clj)
map->Case (clj)
map->CatchHandler (clj)
map->CondBr (clj)
map->Const (clj)
map->CustomTerminator (clj)
map->Dot (clj)
map->EndFinally (clj)
map->Fn (clj)
map->Jmp (clj)
map->PopTry (clj)
map->PushTry (clj)
map->Recur (clj)
map->Return (clj)
map->Set! (clj)
no-op (clj) This function can be used inside a gen-plan when no operation is to be performed.
parse-to-state-machine (clj) Takes an sexpr and returns a hashmap that describes the execution flow of the sexpr as a series of SSA style blocks.
persistent-value? (clj) Returns true if this value should be saved in the state hash map.
pop-binding (clj) Removes the most recent binding for key.
print-plan (clj)
push-alter-binding (clj) Pushes the result of (apply f old-value args) as current value of binding key.
push-binding (clj) Sets the binding 'key' to value.
reads-from (clj) Returns a list of instructions this instruction reads from.
set-block (clj) Sets the current block being written to by the functions.
sexpr-to-ssa (clj)
special-override? (clj)
state-machine (clj)
terminate-block (clj) Emites the code to terminate a given block.
terminate-custom (clj)
terminator-code (clj) Returns a unique symbol for this instruction.
update-in-plan (clj) Same as update-in, but for a state hash map.
writes-to (clj) Returns a list of instructions this instruction writes to.