
core.async HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL feature exploration Caveats: 1. Everything defined in this namespace is experimental, and subject to change or deletion without warning. 2. Many features provided by this namespace are highly coupled to implementation details of core.async. Potential features which operate at higher levels of abstraction are suitable for inclusion in the examples. 3. Features provided by this namespace MAY be promoted to clojure.core.async at a later point in time, but there is no guarantee any of them will.

For more info about this library see:
Public Variable Short Description
->BroadcastingWritePort (clj)
->MultiplexingReadPort (clj)
BroadcastingWritePort (clj)
MultiplexingReadPort (clj)
broadcast (clj) Returns a broadcasting write port which, when written to, writes the value to each of ports.
multiplex (clj) Returns a multiplexing read port which, when read from, produces a value from one of ports.