Public Variable |
Short Description |
<< (clj)
A backward compatibility alias for `istr` macro. |
<<- (clj)
Unindent multiline text. |
alnum? (clj)
Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. |
alpha? (clj)
Checks if a string contains only alpha characters. |
blank? (clj)
Checks if is a nil, empty string or contains only whitespace. |
camel (clj)
Output will be: lowerUpperUpperNoSpaces accepts strings and keywords. |
capital (clj)
Uppercases the first character of a string. |
chars (clj)
Split a string in a seq of chars. |
clean (clj)
Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space. |
collapse-whitespace (clj)
Converts all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space. |
concat (clj)
A macro variant of the clojure.core/str function that performs considerably faster string concatenation operation on CLJS (on JVM/CLJ it only applies basic simplification and then relies on the `clojure.core/str`). |
css-selector (clj)
Output will be either: (js-selector "LeadingDash") ;; => -leading-dash (js-selector "noLeadingDash") ;; => no-leading-dash accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter. |
digits? (clj)
Checks if a string contains only digit characters. |
empty-or-nil? (clj)
Convenient helper for check emptines or if value is nil DEPRECATED: this is already covered by `empty?`. |
empty? (clj)
Checks if a string is empty. |
ends-with? (clj)
Check if the string ends with suffix. |
escape-html (clj)
ffmt (clj)
Alternative (to `istr`) string formating macro, that performs simple string formating on the compile time (this means that the string should be known at compile time). |
fmt (clj)
A shorter alias to `format` function. |
format (clj)
Simple string interpolation. |
human (clj)
Output will be: lower cased and space separated accepts strings and keywords. |
includes? (clj)
Determines whether a string contains a substring. |
index-of (clj)
istr (clj)
A string formating macro that works LIKE ES6 template literals but using clojure construcs and symbols for interpolation delimiters. |
join (clj)
Joins strings together with given separator. |
js-selector (clj)
Output will be either: (js-selector "-pascal-case-me") ;; => PascalCaseMe (js-selector "camel-case-me") ;; => camelCaseMe accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter. |
kebab (clj)
Output will be: lower-cased-and-separated-with-dashes accepts strings and keywords. |
keyword (clj)
Safer version of clojure keyword, accepting a symbol for the namespace and kebab-casing the key. |
last-index-of (clj)
letters? (clj)
Checks if string contains only letters. |
lines (clj)
Return a list of the lines in the string. |
lower (clj)
Converts string to all lower-case. |
lstrip (clj)
ltrim (clj)
Removes whitespace or specified characters from left side of string. |
nilv (clj)
Mark a expression string safe, if value is nil or undefined, the "" is returned. |
numeric? (clj)
Check if a string contains only numeric values. |
one-of? (clj)
Returns true if s can be found in coll. |
pad (clj)
Pads the str with characters until the total string length is equal to the passed length parameter. |
pascal (clj)
Output will be: CapitalizedAndTouchingTheNext accepts strings and keywords. |
phrase (clj)
Output will be: Space separated with the first letter capitalized. |
prune (clj)
Truncates a string to a certain length and adds '...' if necessary. |
quote (clj)
Quotes a string. |
repeat (clj)
Repeats string n times. |
replace (clj)
Replaces all instance of match with replacement in s. |
replace-first (clj)
Replaces first instance of match with replacement in s. |
reverse (clj)
Return string reversed. |
rstrip (clj)
rtrim (clj)
Removes whitespace or specified characters from right side of string. |
slice (clj)
Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string. |
slug (clj)
Transform text into a URL slug. |
snake (clj)
Output will be: lower_cased_and_underscore_separated accepts strings and keywords. |
split (clj)
Splits a string on a separator a limited number of times. |
starts-with? (clj)
Check if the string starts with prefix. |
strip (clj)
strip-newlines (clj)
Takes a string and replaces newlines with a space. |
strip-prefix (clj)
Strip prefix in more efficient way. |
strip-suffix (clj)
Strip suffix in more efficient way. |
strip-tags (clj)
Remove html tags from string. |
stylize (clj)
substr-between (clj)
Find string that is nested in between two strings. |
surround (clj)
Surround a string with another string or character. |
title (clj)
Output will be: Each Word Capitalized And Separated With Spaces accepts strings and keywords. |
to-bool (clj)
Returns true for 1/on/true/yes string values (case-insensitive), false otherwise. |
trim (clj)
Removes whitespace or specified characters from both ends of string. |
unescape-html (clj)
Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents. |
unindent (clj)
Unindent multiline text. |
unlines (clj)
Returns a new string joining a list of strings with a newline char (\n). |
unquote (clj)
Unquote a string. |
unsafe-concat (clj)
Unsafe variant of `concat`. |
unsafe-ends-with? (clj)
UNSAFE version of ends-with? predicate. |
unsafe-starts-with? (clj)
UNSAFE version of starts-with? predicate. |
unsurround (clj)
Unsurround a string surrounded by another string or character. |
upper (clj)
Converts string to all upper-case. |
uslug (clj)
Unicode friendly version of `slug` function. |
word? (clj)
Checks if a string contains only the word characters. |
words (clj)
Returns a vector of the words in the string. |