JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser/generator. See
Public Variable Short Description
->ReaderPBR (clj)
->StringPBR (clj)
-read (clj)
-write (clj) Print object to Appendable out as JSON.
InternalPBR (clj)
JSONWriter (clj)
ReaderPBR (clj)
StringPBR (clj)
codepoint-decoder (clj)
default-read-options (clj)
default-write-options (clj)
invalid-array-exception (clj)
json-str (clj) DEPRECATED; replaced by 'write-str'.
on-extra-throw (clj) Pass as :extra-data-fn to `read` or `read-str` to throw if data is found after the first object.
on-extra-throw-remaining (clj) Pass as :extra-data-fn to `read` or `read-str` to throw if data is found after the first object and return the remaining data in ex-data :remaining.
pprint (clj) Pretty-prints JSON representation of x to *out*.
pprint-json (clj) DEPRECATED; replaced by 'pprint'.
print-json (clj) DEPRECATED; replaced by 'write' to *out*.
read (clj) Reads a single item of JSON data from a
read-json (clj) DEPRECATED; replaced by read-str.
read-str (clj) Reads one JSON value from input String.
readChar (clj)
readChars (clj)
toReader (clj)
unreadChar (clj)
unreadChars (clj)
write (clj) Write JSON-formatted output to a
write-json (clj) DEPRECATED; replaced by 'write'.
write-str (clj) Converts x to a JSON-formatted string.