
Public Variable Short Description
absolute? (clj) Returns true if f represents an absolute path.
absolutize (clj) Converts f into an absolute path via Path#toAbsolutePath.
canonicalize (clj) Returns the canonical path via
components (clj) Returns a seq of all components of f as paths, i.e.
copy (clj) Copies src file to dest dir or file.
copy-tree (clj) Copies entire file tree from src to dest.
create-dir (clj) Creates dir using `Files#createDirectory`.
create-dirs (clj) Creates directories using `Files#createDirectories`.
create-file (clj) Creates empty file using `Files#createFile`.
create-link (clj) Create a hard link from path to target.
create-sym-link (clj) Create a soft link from path to target.
create-temp-dir (clj) Creates a temporary directory using Files#createDirectories.
create-temp-file (clj) Creates an empty temporary file using Files#createTempFile.
creation-time (clj) Returns creation time as FileTime.
cwd (clj) Returns current working directory as path.
delete (clj) Deletes f.
delete-if-exists (clj) Deletes f if it exists.
delete-on-exit (clj) Requests delete on exit via `File#deleteOnExit`.
delete-tree (clj) Deletes a file tree using `walk-file-tree`.
directory? (clj) Returns true if f is a directory, using Files/isDirectory.
ends-with? (clj) Returns true if path this ends with path other.
exec-paths (clj) Returns executable paths (using the PATH environment variable).
executable? (clj) Returns true if f is executable.
exists? (clj) Returns true if f exists.
expand-home (clj) If `path` begins with a tilde (`~`), expand the tilde to the value of the `user.home` system property.
extension (clj) Returns the extension of a file via `split-ext`.
file (clj) Coerces f into a File.
file-name (clj) Returns the name of the file or directory.
file-separator (clj)
file-time->instant (clj) Converts a java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime to a java.time.Instant.
file-time->millis (clj) Converts a java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime to epoch millis (long).
get-attribute (clj)
glob (clj) Given a file and glob pattern, returns matches as vector of paths.
gunzip (clj) Extracts `gz-file` to `dest` directory (default `"."`).
gzip (clj) Gzips `source-file` and writes the output to `dir/out-file`.
hidden? (clj) Returns true if f is hidden.
home (clj) With no arguments, returns the current value of the `user.home` system property.
instant->file-time (clj) Converts a java.time.Instant to a java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime.
last-modified-time (clj) Returns last modified time as a java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime.
list-dir (clj) Returns all paths in dir as vector.
list-dirs (clj) Similar to list-dir but accepts multiple roots and returns the concatenated results.
match (clj) Given a file and match pattern, returns matches as vector of paths.
millis->file-time (clj) Converts epoch millis (long) to a java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime.
modified-since (clj) Returns seq of regular files (non-directories, non-symlinks) from file-set that were modified since the anchor path.
move (clj) Move or rename a file to a target dir or file via `Files/move`.
normalize (clj) Normalizes f via Path#normalize.
owner (clj) Returns the owner of a file.
parent (clj) Returns parent of f.
path (clj) Coerces f into a Path.
path-separator (clj)
posix->str (clj) Converts a set of PosixFilePermission to a string.
posix-file-permissions (clj) Gets f's posix file permissions.
read-all-bytes (clj) Returns contents of file as byte array.
read-all-lines (clj) Read all lines from a file.
read-attributes (clj) Same as `read-attributes*` but turns attributes into a map and keywordizes keys.
read-attributes* (clj) Reads attributes via Files/readAttributes.
read-link (clj) Reads the target of a symbolic link.
readable? (clj) Returns true if f is readable.
real-path (clj) Converts f into real path via Path#toRealPath.
regular-file? (clj) Returns true if f is a regular file, using Files/isRegularFile.
relative? (clj) Returns true if f represents a relative path.
relativize (clj) Returns relative path by comparing this with other.
same-file? (clj) Returns true if this is the same file as other.
set-attribute (clj)
set-creation-time (clj) Sets creation time of f to time (millis, java.time.Instant or java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime).
set-last-modified-time (clj) Sets last modified time of f to time (millis, java.time.Instant or java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime).
set-posix-file-permissions (clj) Sets posix file permissions on f.
size (clj) Returns the size of a file (in bytes).
split-ext (clj) Splits path on extension If provided, a specific extension `ext`, the extension (without dot), will be used for splitting.
split-paths (clj) Splits a path list given as a string joined by the OS-specific path-separator into a vec of paths.
starts-with? (clj) Returns true if path this starts with path other.
str->posix (clj) Converts a string to a set of PosixFilePermission.
strip-ext (clj) Strips extension via `split-ext`.
sym-link? (clj) Determines if `f` is a symbolic link via `java.nio.file.Files/isSymbolicLink`.
temp-dir (clj) Returns `` property as path.
unixify (clj) Returns path as string with Unix-style file separators (`/`).
unzip (clj) Unzips `zip-file` to `dest` directory (default `"."`).
update-file (clj) Updates the contents of text file `path` using `f` applied to old contents and `xs`.
walk-file-tree (clj) Walks f using Files/walkFileTree.
which (clj) Returns Path to first executable `program` found in `:paths` `opt`, similar to the which Unix command.
which-all (clj) Returns every Path to `program` found in (`exec-paths`).
windows? (clj) Returns true if OS is Windows.
with-temp-dir (clj) Evaluate body with binding-name bound to a temporary directory.
writable? (clj) Returns true if f is writable.
write-bytes (clj) Writes `bytes` to `path` via `java.nio.file.Files/write`.
write-lines (clj) Writes `lines`, a seqable of strings to `path` via `java.nio.file.Files/write`.
xdg-cache-home (clj) Path representing the base directory relative to which user-specific non-essential data files should be stored as described in the [XDG Base Directory Specification](
xdg-config-home (clj) Path representing the base directory relative to which user-specific configuration files should be stored as described in the [XDG Base Directory Specification](
xdg-data-home (clj) Path representing the base directory relative to which user-specific data files should be stored as described in the [XDG Base Directory Specification](
xdg-state-home (clj) Path representing the base directory relative to which user-specific state files should be stored as described in the [XDG Base Directory Specification](
zip (clj) Zips entry or entries into zip-file.