
Public Variable Short Description
->Database (clj)
Database (clj)
complete? (clj)
completed* (clj)
completed-ids* (clj)
connect* (clj) Connects to the store - SQL database in this case.
connection-from-datasource (clj)
connection-or-spec (clj) Migration code from java.jdbc to next.jdbc .
create-migration-table! (clj) Creates the schema for the migration table via t-con in db in table-name.
datetime-backend? (clj) Checks whether the underlying backend requires the applied column to be of type datetime instead of timestamp.
default-migrations-table (clj)
disconnect* (clj)
find-init-script (clj)
find-init-script-file (clj)
find-init-script-resource (clj)
init-db! (clj)
init-schema! (clj)
inject-properties (clj)
map->Database (clj)
mark-complete (clj)
mark-not-complete (clj)
mark-reserved (clj)
mark-unreserved (clj)
migrate-down* (clj)
migrate-up* (clj)
migration-table-name (clj) Makes migration table name available from config.
migration-table-up-to-date? (clj)
reserved-id (clj)
run-init-script! (clj)
table-exists? (clj) Checks whether the migrations table exists, by attempting to select from it.
update-migration-table! (clj) Updates the schema for the migration table via t-con in db in table-name.