
Public Variable Short Description
Migration (clj)
Store (clj)
completed (clj) Seq of applied migrations in descending order of applied date.
completed-ids (clj) Seq of ids of completed migrations in descending order of applied date.
config (clj)
connect (clj) Opens resources necessary to run migrations against the store.
disconnect (clj) Frees resources necessary to run migrations against the store.
down (clj) Bring this migration down.
get-all-supported-extensions (clj) Returns a seq of all the file extensions supported by all migration protocols.
get-extension* (clj) Dispatcher to get the supported file extension for this migration.
id (clj) Id of this migration.
init (clj) Initialize the data store.
make-migration* (clj) Dispatcher to create migrations based on filename extension.
make-store (clj)
migrate-down (clj) Run and record a down migration.
migrate-up (clj) Run and record an up migration.
migration-files* (clj) Dispatcher to get a list of filenames to create when creating new migrations.
migration-type (clj) Type of this migration.
name (clj) Name of this migration.
squash (clj) Squash a batch of migrations into a single migration.
squash-migration-files* (clj) Dispatcher to read a list of files and squash them into a single migration file.
tx? (clj) Whether this migration should run in a transaction.
up (clj) Bring this migration up.