(source)Standard implementations of `get-datasource` and `get-connection`.
Also provides `dbtypes` as a map of all known database types, and
the `->pool` and `component` functions for creating pooled datasource
Public Variable | Short Description |
->pool (clj) | Given a (connection pooled datasource) class and a database spec, return a connection pool object built from that class and the database spec. |
component (clj) | Takes the same arguments as `->pool` but returns an entity compatible with Stuart Sierra's Component: when `com.stuartsierra.component/start` is called on it, it builds a connection pooled datasource, and returns an entity that can either be invoked as a function with no arguments to return that datasource, or can have `com.stuartsierra.component/stop` called on it to shutdown the datasource (and return a new startable entity). |
dbtypes (clj) | A map of all known database types (including aliases) to the class name(s) and port that `next.jdbc` supports out of the box. |
jdbc-url (clj) | Given a database spec (as a hash map), return a JDBC URL with all the attributes added to the query string. |
uri->db-spec (clj) | (and some users out there) considered the URI format to be an acceptable JDBC URL, i.e., with credentials embdedded in the string, rather than as query parameters. |