
This namespace provides datafication of several JDBC object types, all within the `java.sql` package: * `Connection` -- datafies as a bean. * `DatabaseMetaData` -- datafies as a bean; six properties are navigable to produce fully-realized datafiable result sets. * `ParameterMetaData` -- datafies as a vector of parameter descriptions. * `ResultSet` -- datafies as a bean; if the `ResultSet` has an associated `Statement` and that in turn has an associated `Connection` then an additional key of `:rows` is provided which is a datafied result set, from `next.jdbc.result-set/datafiable-result-set` with default options. This is provided as a convenience, purely for datafication of other JDBC data types -- in normal `next.jdbc` usage, result sets are datafied under full user control. * `ResultSetMetaData` -- datafies as a vector of column descriptions. * `Statement` -- datafies as a bean. Because different database drivers may throw `SQLException` for various unimplemented or unavailable properties on objects in various states, the default behavior is to return those exceptions using the `:qualify` option for ``, so for a property `:foo`, if its corresponding getter throws an exception, it would instead be returned as `:foo/exception`. This behavior can be overridden by `binding` `next.jdbc.datafy/*datafy-failure*` to any of the other options supported: `:group`, `:omit`, or `:return`. See the `` documentation for more details.
Public Variable Short Description
*datafy-failure* (clj) How datafication failures should be handled, based on ``.