(source)Builders that treat NULL SQL values as 'optional' and omit the
corresponding keys from the Clojure hash maps for the rows.
Public Variable | Short Description |
->MapResultSetOptionalBuilder (clj) | |
MapResultSetOptionalBuilder (clj) | |
as-lower-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with lower-case keys and nil columns omitted. |
as-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with nil columns omitted. |
as-maps-adapter (clj) | Given a map builder function (e.g., `as-lower-maps`) and a column reading function, return a new builder function that uses that column reading function instead of `.getObject` so you can override the default behavior. |
as-modified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with modified keys and nil columns omitted. |
as-unqualified-lower-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, lower-case keys and nil columns omitted. |
as-unqualified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple keys and nil columns omitted. |
as-unqualified-modified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, modified keys and nil columns omitted. |
map->MapResultSetOptionalBuilder (clj) |