
Mostly an implementation namespace for how `PreparedStatement` objects are created by the next generation java.jdbc library. `set-parameters` is public and may be useful if you have a `PreparedStatement` that you wish to reuse and (re)set the parameters on it. Defines the `SettableParameter` protocol for converting Clojure values to database-specific values. See also for implementations of `SettableParameter` that provide automatic conversion of Java Time objects to SQL data types. See also for `as-xxx` functions that provide per-instance implementations of `SettableParameter` for each of the standard `java.sql.Types` values.
Public Variable Short Description
SettableParameter (clj) Protocol for setting SQL parameters in statement objects, which can convert from Clojure values.
create (clj) This is an implementation detail -- use `next.jdbc/prepare` instead.
set-parameter (clj) Convert a Clojure value into a SQL value and store it as the ix'th parameter in the given SQL statement object.
set-parameters (clj) Given a `PreparedStatement` and a vector of parameter values, update the `PreparedStatement` with those parameters and return it.
statement (clj) Given a `Connection` and some options, return a `Statement`.