(source)An implementation of `ResultSet` handling functions.
Defines the following protocols:
* `DatafiableRow` -- for turning a row into something datafiable
* `ReadableColumn` -- to read column values by label or index
* `RowBuilder` -- for materializing a row
* `ResultSetBuilder` -- for materializing a result set
A broad range of result set builder implementation functions are provided.
Also provides the default implementations for `Executable` and
the default `datafy`/`nav` behavior for rows from a result set.
See also
for implementations of `ReadableColumn` that provide automatic
conversion of some SQL data types to Java Time objects.
Public Variable | Short Description |
->ArrayResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
->MapResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
->row (clj) | Called once per row to create the basis of each row. |
->rs (clj) | Called to create the basis of the result set. |
ArrayResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
DatafiableRow (clj) | Protocol for making rows datafiable and therefore navigable. |
InspectableMapifiedResultSet (clj) | Protocol for exposing aspects of the (current) result set via functions. |
MapResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
MapifiedResultSet (clj) | |
ReadableColumn (clj) | Protocol for reading objects from the `java.sql.ResultSet`. |
ResultSetBuilder (clj) | Protocol for building result sets in various representations. |
RowBuilder (clj) | Protocol for building rows in various representations. |
as-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-arrays-adapter (clj) | Given an array builder function (e.g., `as-unqualified-arrays`) and a column reading function, return a new builder function that uses that column reading function instead of `.getObject` so you can override the default behavior. |
as-kebab-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with kebab-case keys. |
as-lower-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-lower-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with lower-case keys. |
as-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows. |
as-maps-adapter (clj) | Given a map builder function (e.g., `as-lower-maps`) and a column reading function, return a new builder function that uses that column reading function instead of `.getObject` so you can override the default behavior. |
as-modified-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of modified column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-modified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with modified keys. |
as-unqualified-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of simple column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-unqualified-kebab-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, kebab-case keys. |
as-unqualified-lower-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of simple, lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-unqualified-lower-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, lower-case keys. |
as-unqualified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple keys. |
as-unqualified-modified-arrays (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces a vector of simple, modified column names followed by vectors of row values. |
as-unqualified-modified-maps (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and options, return a `RowBuilder` / `ResultSetBuilder` that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, modified keys. |
builder-adapter (clj) | Given any builder function (e.g., `as-lower-maps`) and a column reading function, return a new builder function that uses that column reading function instead of `.getObject` and `read-column-by-index` so you can override the default behavior. |
clob->string (clj) | Given a CLOB column value, read it as a string. |
clob-column-reader (clj) | An example column-reader that still uses `.getObject` but expands CLOB columns into strings. |
column-count (clj) | Return the number of columns in each row. |
column-names (clj) | Return a vector of the column names from the result set. |
datafiable-result-set (clj) | Given a ResultSet, a connectable, and an options hash map, return a fully realized, datafiable result set per the `:builder-fn` option passed in. |
datafiable-row (clj) | Produce a datafiable representation of a row from a `ResultSet`. |
foldable-result-set (clj) | Given a `ResultSet` and an optional connectable, return an `r/CollFold` that can be folded. |
get-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of column names, each qualified by the table from which it came. |
get-lower-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of lower-case column names, each qualified by the table from which it came. |
get-modified-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of modified column names, each qualified by the table from which it came. |
get-unqualified-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of unqualified column names. |
get-unqualified-lower-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of unqualified column names. |
get-unqualified-modified-column-names (clj) | Given `ResultSetMetaData`, return a vector of unqualified modified column names. |
map->ArrayResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
map->MapResultSetBuilder (clj) | |
metadata (clj) | Return the raw `ResultSetMetaData` object from the result set. |
navable-row (clj) | |
navize-row (clj) | |
read-column-by-index (clj) | Function for transforming values after reading them via a column index. |
read-column-by-label (clj) | Function for transforming values after reading them via a column label. |
reducible-result-set (clj) | Given a `ResultSet`, return an `IReduceInit` that can be reduced. |
row! (clj) | Called once per row to finalize each row once it is complete. |
row-number (clj) | Return the current 1-based row number, if available. |
rs! (clj) | Called to finalize the result set once it is complete. |
with-column (clj) | Called with the row and the index of the column to be added; this is expected to read the column value from the `ResultSet`!. |
with-column-value (clj) | Called with the row, the column name, and the value to be added; this is a low-level function, typically used by `with-column`. |
with-row (clj) | Called with the result set and the row to be added. |