
Public Variable Short Description
*max-compile-depth* (clj)
->Context (clj)
->Endpoint (clj)
->Interceptor (clj)
Context (clj)
Endpoint (clj)
Executor (clj)
Interceptor (clj)
IntoInterceptor (clj)
chain (clj) Creates a Interceptor chain out of sequence of IntoInterceptor Optionally takes route data and (Router) opts.
compile-result (clj)
context (clj)
enqueue (clj) enqueues the interceptors into the queue.
execute (clj) executes the interceptor chain with a request.
interceptor-handler (clj)
into-interceptor (clj)
map->Context (clj)
map->Endpoint (clj)
map->Interceptor (clj)
queue (clj) takes a sequence of interceptors and compiles them to queue for the executor.
router (clj) Creates a [[reitit.core/Router]] from raw route data and optionally an options map with support for Interceptors.
transform-butlast (clj) Returns a function to that takes a interceptor transformation function and transforms all but last of the interceptors (e.g.