
Functions for augmenting and pulling information from request maps.

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
body-string (clj) Return the request body as a string.
character-encoding (clj) Return the character encoding for the request, or nil if it is not set.
content-length (clj) Return the content-length of the request, or nil no content-length is set.
content-type (clj) Return the content-type of the request, or nil if no content-type is set.
in-context? (clj) Returns true if the URI of the request is a subpath of the supplied context.
path-info (clj) Returns the relative path of the request.
request-url (clj) Return the full URL of the request.
set-context (clj) Associate a context and path-info with the request.
urlencoded-form? (clj) True if a request contains a urlencoded form in the body.