
Functions for generating and augmenting response maps.

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
bad-request (clj) Returns a 400 'bad request' response.
charset (clj) Returns an updated Ring response with the supplied charset added to the Content-Type header.
content-type (clj) Returns an updated Ring response with the a Content-Type header corresponding to the given content-type.
created (clj) Returns a Ring response for a HTTP 201 created response.
file-response (clj) Returns a Ring response to serve a static file, or nil if an appropriate file does not exist.
find-header (clj) Looks up a header in a Ring response (or request) case insensitively, returning the header map entry, or nil if not present.
get-charset (clj) Gets the character encoding of a Ring response.
get-header (clj) Looks up a header in a Ring response (or request) case insensitively, returning the value of the header, or nil if not present.
header (clj) Returns an updated Ring response with the specified header added.
not-found (clj) Returns a 404 'not found' response.
redirect (clj) Returns a Ring response for an HTTP 302 redirect.
redirect-after-post (clj) Returns a Ring response for an HTTP 303 redirect.
redirect-status-codes (clj) Map a keyword to a redirect status code.
resource-data (clj) Returns data about the resource specified by url, or nil if an appropriate resource does not exist.
resource-response (clj) Returns a Ring response to serve a packaged resource, or nil if the resource does not exist.
response (clj) Returns a skeletal Ring response with the given body, status of 200, and no headers.
response? (clj) True if the supplied value is a valid response map.
set-cookie (clj) Sets a cookie on the response.
status (clj) Returns an updated Ring response with the given status.
update-header (clj) Looks up a header in a Ring response (or request) case insensitively, then updates the header with the supplied function and arguments in the manner of update-in.
url-response (clj) Return a response for the supplied URL.