(source)To create a filter use the function add-filter! which takes a name and a fn.
The first argument to the fn is always the value obtained from the context
map. The rest of the arguments are optional and are always strings.
Public Variable | Short Description |
add-filter! (clj) | |
call-filter (clj) | |
filters (clj) | |
fix-date (clj) | |
generate-json (clj) | JSON generation function. |
get-filter (clj) | |
parse-number (clj) | Parses a number to Long or Double. |
remove-filter! (clj) | |
throw-when-expecting-number (clj) | |
throw-when-expecting-seqable (clj) | Throws an exception with the given msg when (seq x) will fail (excluding nil). |
valid-date-formats (clj) |