
read-config (clj)



(read-config source given-opts) (read-config source)
First argument is a string URL to the file. To read from the current directory just put the file name. To read from the classpath call on the string before passing it into this function. Optional second argument is a map that can include the following keys: :profile - indicates the profile to use for #profile extension :user - manually set the user for the #user extension :resolver - a function or map used to resolve includes.


(ns aero.core-test
   [aero.core :refer [read-config reader
                      #?@(:clj [deferred resource-resolver root-resolver])
                      #?(:cljs Deferred)]
    #?@(:cljs [:refer-macros [deferred]])]
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing are]]
   #?@(:clj [[ :as io]]
       :cljs [[goog.object :as gobj]
              [goog.string :as gstring]
               :refer [source-logging-push-back-reader]]]))
  #?(:clj (:import [aero.core Deferred])))

(deftest basic-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= "Hello World!" (:greeting config))))
  (testing "Reading empty config returns nil"
    (is (= nil (read-config "test/aero/empty-config.edn")))))

(deftest hostname-test
  (is (= {:color "green" :weight 10}
          (source "test/aero/hosts.edn")
          {:profile :default :hostname "emerald"})))
  (is (= {:color "black" :weight nil}
         (read-config (source "test/aero/hosts.edn")
                      {:profile :default :hostname "granite"})))
  (is (= {:color "white" :weight nil}
         (read-config (source "test/aero/hosts.edn")
                      {:profile :default :hostname "diamond"}))))

(deftest define-new-type-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= :chocolate (:flavor config)))))

(deftest join-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (#?(:clj format :cljs gstring/format) "Terminal is %s" (str (env "TERM")))
           (:dumb-term config)))
    (is (= (#?(:clj format :cljs gstring/format) "Terminal is %s" "smart")
           (:smart-term config)))))

   (deftest test-read
     (let [x [:foo :bar :baz]
           _ (System/setProperty "DUMMY_READ" (str x))
           config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
       (is (= x (:test-read-str config)))
       (is (= x (:test-read-env config)))
       (System/clearProperty "DUMMY_READ"))))

(deftest envf-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (#?(:clj format :cljs gstring/format) "Terminal is %s" (str (env "TERM")))
           (:dumb-term-envf config)))))

   (deftest prop-test
     (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
       (is (= "dummy" (:triple-or config)))
       (is (nil? (:prop config))))
     (System/setProperty "DUMMY" "ABC123")
     (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
       (is (= "ABC123" (:triple-or config)))
       (is (= "ABC123" (:prop config))))
     (System/clearProperty "DUMMY")))

(deftest numeric-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= 1234 (:long config)))
    (is (= 4567.8 (:double config))))
  #?@(:clj [(System/setProperty "FOO" "123")
           (let [config (read-config "test/aero/long_prop.edn")]
             (is (= 123 (:long-prop config))))
           (System/clearProperty "FOO")]))

(deftest keyword-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= :foo/bar (:keyword config)))
    (is (= :foo/bar (:already-a-keyword config)))
    (is (= :abc (:env-keyword config)))))

(deftest boolean-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= true (:True-boolean config)))
    (is (= true (:true-boolean config)))
    (is (= false (:trivial-false-boolean config)))
    (is (= false (:nil-false-boolean config)))
    (is (= false (:false-boolean config)))))

(deftest format-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (#?(:clj format :cljs gstring/format) "My favorite flavor is %s %s" (or (env "TERM") "flaa") :chocolate)
           (:flavor-string config)))))

(deftest ref-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (get-in config [:greeting])
           (:test config)))))

(deftest complex-ref-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (get-in config [:refer-me :a :b 1234])
           (:complex-ref config)))))

(deftest remote-file-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (get-in config [:remote :greeting])

(deftest nested-ref-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn" {})]
    (is (= "Hello World!" (get-in config [:test-nested])))))

(deftest profile-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn" {:profile :dev})]
    (is (= 8000 (:port config))))
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn" {:profile :prod})]
    (is (= 80 (:port config)))))

(deftest dummy-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn" {:profile :dev})]
    (is (= "dummy" (:dummy config)))))

   (deftest resolver-tests
     (let [source (io/resource "aero/includes.edn")]
       (is (read-config source {:profile :relative}))
       (is (read-config source {:profile :relative-abs}))
       (is (read-config source {:profile :resource :resolver resource-resolver}))
       (is (read-config source {:profile :file :resolver root-resolver}))
       (is (read-config (-> source slurp string-reader)
                        {:profile :relative-abs}))
       (is (read-config source {:profile  :map
                                :resolver {:sub-includes (io/resource "aero/sub/includes.edn")
                                           :valid-file   (io/resource "aero/valid.edn")}}))
       (is (:aero/missing-include (read-config source {:profile :file-does-not-exist}))))))

(deftest missing-include-test
  (let [source "test/aero/includes.edn"]
    (is (:aero/missing-include (read-config source {:profile :file-does-not-exist})))))

(deftest dangling-ref-test
  (is (= {:user {:favorite-color :blue}
          :gardner {:favorite-color :blue}
          :karl {:favorite-color :blue}
          :color :blue}
             (binding [*print-meta* true]
               (pr-str {:user ^:ref [:karl]
                        :gardner {:favorite-color ^:ref [:color]}
                        :karl ^:ref [:gardner]
                        :color :blue})))))))

(deftest deferred-test
   (instance? Deferred (deferred (+ 2 2))))
  ;; The basic idea here is to ensure that the #expensive-network-call
  ;; tag literal is called (because it increments its value). This
  ;; also tests the Deferred functionality as a consequence.
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (get-in config [:network-call])

(deftest default-reader-combo-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/default-reader.edn")]
    (is (= #inst "2013-07-09T18:05:53.231-00:00" (:date config)))))

(deftest refs-call-once-test
  ;; The purpose of this test is to defend against naïve copying of references
  ;; instead of resolving it early
  (let [before-call-count @network-call-count
        config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= (inc before-call-count) @network-call-count))))

(deftest falsey-user-return-test
  (let [config (read-config "test/aero/config.edn")]
    (is (= nil (config :falsey-user-return)))))

(deftest ref-in-set-test
  (is (= #{10}
               "{:foo 10 :bar #{#ref [:foo]}}"))))))

(deftest or-incomplete-child
  (let [config-str "{:x \"foo\"
                   :y #or [#ref [:x] \"bar\"]
                   :junk0 \"0\"
                   :junk1 \"1\"
                   :junk2 \"2\"
                   :junk3 \"3\"
                   :junk4 \"4\"
                   :junk5 \"5\"
                   :junk6 \"6\"
                   :junk7 \"7\"
                   :junk8 \"8\"}"
        config (string-reader config-str)]
    (is (= "foo" (:x (read-config config))))))

(deftest or-dangling-ref
  (let [config-str "{:y #or [#ref [:x] \"bar\"]}"
        config (string-reader config-str)]
    (is (= "bar" (:y (read-config config))))))

(deftest meta-preservation-test
  (are [ds] (= ds
                       (binding [*print-meta* true]
                         (pr-str (with-meta ds {::foo ds}))))))))
    {:a :b}
    #{:a :b}
(ns bzg.db
  (:require [datalevin.core :as d]
            [bzg.config :as config]
            [aero.core :refer (read-config)]))

;; Set up configuration
(def config (merge config/defaults (read-config "config.edn")))
(ns {{app-name}}.jobs.basic-test
    (:require [aero.core :refer [read-config]]
              [clojure.core.async :refer [>!! close!]]
              [ :as io]
              [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
              [onyx api
               [test-helper :refer [with-test-env]]]
              [onyx.plugin.core-async :refer [get-core-async-channels take-segments!]]
              ;; Include function definitions

(deftest basic-test
  (testing "That we can have a basic in-out workflow run through Onyx"
    (let [{:keys [env-config
                  peer-config]} (read-config (io/resource "config.edn"))
          job ({{app-name}}.jobs.basic/basic-job {:onyx/batch-size 10
                                                  :onyx/batch-timeout 1000})
          {:keys [in out]} (get-core-async-channels job)]
      (with-test-env [test-env [3 env-config peer-config]]
        (onyx.test-helper/validate-enough-peers! test-env job)
        (let [job (onyx.api/submit-job peer-config job)]
          (is (:success? job))
          (doseq [segment segments]
            (>!! in segment))
          (close! in)
          (onyx.test-helper/feedback-exception! peer-config (:job-id job)))
        (is (= (set (take-segments! out 50))
               (set [{:n 2} {:n 3} {:n 4} {:n 5} {:n 6}])))))))
(ns app.config
  (:require [aero.core :refer (read-config)]
            [ :as io]))

(def config (read-config (io/resource "config.edn")))
  (:require [aero.core :refer [read-config]]
            [clojure.core.async :refer [>!!]]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [onyx api
             [test-helper :refer [with-test-env]]]
            [onyx.plugin.core-async :refer [get-core-async-channels take-segments!]]
            ;; Include function definitions

(deftest basic-test
  (testing "That we can have a basic in-out workflow run through Onyx"
    (let [{:keys [env-config
                  peer-config]} (read-config (io/resource "config.edn"))
          job ( {:onyx/batch-size 10
                                          :onyx/batch-timeout 1000})
          {:keys [in out]} (get-core-async-channels job)]
      (with-test-env [test-env [3 env-config peer-config]]
        (onyx.test-helper/validate-enough-peers! test-env job)
        (onyx.api/submit-job peer-config job)
        (doseq [segment segments]
          (>!! in segment))
        (is (= (set (take-segments! out))
               (set [{:n 2} {:n 3} {:n 4} {:n 5} {:n 6} :done])))))))
  (:require [aero.core :refer [read-config]]
            [clojure.core.async :refer [>!!]]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [onyx api
             [test-helper :refer [with-test-env]]]
            [onyx.plugin.core-async :refer [get-core-async-channels take-segments!]]
            ;; Include function definitions
            [twit.tasks.logging :refer [with-segment-logging]]

(deftest smoke-test
  (testing "Test"
    (let [{:keys [env-config
                  peer-config]} (read-config (io/resource "config.edn"))
          job ( {:onyx/batch-size 10
                                              :onyx/batch-timeout 1000})
          {:keys [out]} (get-core-async-channels job)]
      (with-test-env [test-env [3 env-config peer-config]]
        (onyx.test-helper/validate-enough-peers! test-env job)
        (onyx.api/submit-job peer-config job)
        (is (not (empty? (set (take-segments! out)))))))))