
run! (clj)



(run! {:keys [lint lang filename cache cache-dir config config-dir parallel no-warnings dependencies copy-configs custom-lint-fn file-analyzed-fn skip-lint debug], :or {cache true}, :as args})
Takes a map with: - `:lint`: a seqable of files, directories and/or classpaths to lint. - `:lang`: optional, defaults to `:clj`. Sets language for linting `*in*`. Supported values: `:clj`, `:cljs` and `:cljc`. - `:filename`: optional. In case stdin is used for linting, use this to set the reported filename. - `:cache-dir`: when this option is provided, the cache will be resolved to this directory. If `:cache` is `false` this option will be ignored. - `:cache`: if `false`, won't use cache. Otherwise, will try to resolve cache using `:cache-dir`. If `:cache-dir` is not set, cache is resolved using the nearest `.clj-kondo` directory in the current and parent directories. - `:config`: optional. A seqable of maps, a map or string representing the config as EDN, or a config file. In places where a file-like value is expected, either a path as string or a `` may be passed, except for a classpath which must always be a string. - `:parallel`: optional. A boolean indicating if sources should be linted in parallel.` - `:copy-configs`: optional. A boolean indicating if scanned hooks should be copied to clj-kondo config dir.` - `:skip-lint`: optional. A boolean indicating if linting should be skipped. Other tasks like copying configs will still be done if `:copy-configs` is true.` - `:debug`: optional. Print debug info. Returns a map with `:findings`, a seqable of finding maps, a `:summary` of the findings and the `:config` that was used to produce those findings. This map can be passed to `print!` to print to `*out*`. Alpha, subject to change.
