map-invert (clj)
(map-invert m)
Returns the map with the vals mapped to the keys.
(ns clojure.test-clojure.metadata
(:use clojure.test
[clojure.test-helper :only (eval-in-temp-ns)])
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(deftest interaction-of-def-with-metadata
(testing "initial def sets metadata"
(let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^{:a 1} foo 0)
(is (= 1 (-> v meta :a)))))
(testing "const vars preserve metadata"
(let [[v1 v2] (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^:const foo ^:foo [])
(def ^:const bar ^:foo [:bar])
[(meta foo) (meta bar)])]
(is (= {:foo true} v1))
(is (= {:foo true} v2))))
#_(testing "subsequent declare doesn't overwrite metadata"
(let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^{:b 2} bar 0)
(declare bar)
(is (= 2 (-> v meta :b))))
(testing "when compiled"
(let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^{:c 3} bar 0)
(defn declare-bar []
(declare bar))
(is (= 3 (-> v meta :c))))))
(testing "subsequent def with init-expr *does* overwrite metadata"
(let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^{:d 4} quux 0)
(def quux 1)
(is (nil? (-> v meta :d))))
(testing "when compiled"
(let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
(def ^{:e 5} quux 0)
(defn def-quux []
(def quux 1))
(is (nil? (-> v meta :e))))))
(testing "IllegalArgumentException should not be thrown"
(testing "when defining var whose value is calculated with a primitive fn."
(testing "This case fails without a fix for CLJ-852"
(is (eval-in-temp-ns
(defn foo ^long [^long x] x)
(def x (inc (foo 10))))))
(testing "This case should pass even without a fix for CLJ-852"
(is (eval-in-temp-ns
(defn foo ^long [^long x] x)
(def x (foo (inc 10)))))))))
(deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-maps
(let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
x (with-meta {:foo 1 :bar 2} xm)
ym {:c "foo"}
y (with-meta {:baz 4 :guh x} ym)]
(is (= xm (meta (:guh y))))
(is (= xm (meta (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc %2)) x (range 1000)))))
(is (= xm (meta (-> x (dissoc :foo) (dissoc :bar)))))
(let [z (assoc-in y [:guh :la] 18)]
(is (= ym (meta z)))
(is (= xm (meta (:guh z)))))
(let [z (update-in y [:guh :bar] inc)]
(is (= ym (meta z)))
(is (= xm (meta (:guh z)))))
(is (= xm (meta (get-in y [:guh]))))
(is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
(is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
(is (= xm (meta (merge x y))))
(is (= ym (meta (merge y x))))
(is (= xm (meta (merge-with + x y))))
(is (= ym (meta (merge-with + y x))))
(is (= xm (meta (select-keys x [:bar]))))
(is (= xm (meta (set/rename-keys x {:foo :new-foo}))))
;; replace returns a seq when given a set. Can seqs have
;; metadata?
;; TBD: rseq, subseq, and rsubseq returns seqs. If it is even
;; possible to put metadata on a seq, does it make sense that the
;; seqs returned by these functions should have the same metadata
;; as the sorted collection on which they are called?
(deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-vectors
(let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
x (with-meta [1 2 3] xm)
ym {:c "foo"}
y (with-meta [4 x 6] ym)]
(is (= xm (meta (y 1))))
(is (= xm (meta (assoc x 1 "one"))))
(is (= xm (meta (reduce #(conj %1 %2) x (range 1000)))))
(is (= xm (meta (pop (pop (pop x))))))
(let [z (assoc-in y [1 2] 18)]
(is (= ym (meta z)))
(is (= xm (meta (z 1)))))
(let [z (update-in y [1 2] inc)]
(is (= ym (meta z)))
(is (= xm (meta (z 1)))))
(is (= xm (meta (get-in y [1]))))
(is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
(is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
(is (= xm (meta (replace {2 "two"} x))))
(is (= [1 "two" 3] (replace {2 "two"} x)))
;; TBD: Currently subvec drops metadata. Should it preserve it?
;;(is (= xm (meta (subvec x 2 3))))
;; TBD: rseq returns a seq. If it is even possible to put
;; metadata on a seq, does it make sense that the seqs returned by
;; these functions should have the same metadata as the sorted
;; collection on which they are called?
(deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-sets
;; TBD: Do tests independently for set, hash-set, and sorted-set,
;; perhaps with a loop here.
(let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
x (with-meta #{1 2 3} xm)
ym {:c "foo"}
y (with-meta #{4 x 6} ym)]
(is (= xm (meta (y #{3 2 1}))))
(is (= xm (meta (reduce #(conj %1 %2) x (range 1000)))))
(is (= xm (meta (-> x (disj 1) (disj 2) (disj 3)))))
(is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
(is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
(is (= xm (meta (set/select even? x))))
(let [cow1m {:what "betsy cow"}
cow1 (with-meta {:name "betsy" :id 33} cow1m)
cow2m {:what "panda cow"}
cow2 (with-meta {:name "panda" :id 34} cow2m)
cowsm {:what "all the cows"}
cows (with-meta #{cow1 cow2} cowsm)
cow-names (set/project cows [:name])
renamed (set/rename cows {:id :number})]
(is (= cowsm (meta cow-names)))
(is (= cow1m (meta (first (filter #(= "betsy" (:name %)) cow-names)))))
(is (= cow2m (meta (first (filter #(= "panda" (:name %)) cow-names)))))
(is (= cowsm (meta renamed)))
(is (= cow1m (meta (first (filter #(= "betsy" (:name %)) renamed)))))
(is (= cow2m (meta (first (filter #(= "panda" (:name %)) renamed))))))
;; replace returns a seq when given a set. Can seqs have
;; metadata?
;; union: Currently returns the metadata of the largest input set.
;; This is an artifact of union's current implementation. I doubt
;; any explicit design decision was made to do so. Like join,
;; there doesn't seem to be much reason to prefer the metadata of
;; one input set over another, if at least two input sets are
;; given, but perhaps defining it to always return a set with the
;; metadata of the first input set would be reasonable?
;; intersection: Returns metadata of the smallest input set.
;; Otherwise similar to union.
;; difference: Seems to always return a set with metadata of first
;; input set. Seems reasonable. Not sure we want to add a test
;; for it, if it is an accident of the current implementation.
;; join, index, map-invert: Currently always returns a value with
;; no metadata. This seems reasonable.
(ns clojure.test-clojure.clojure-set
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(deftest test-map-invert
(are [x y] (= x y)
(set/map-invert {:a "one" :b "two"}) {"one" :a "two" :b}))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.clojure-set
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(deftest test-map-invert
(are [x y] (= x y)
(set/map-invert {:a "one" :b "two"}) {"one" :a "two" :b}))
(ns clojure.set-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [are deftest is]]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(deftest test-map-invert
(are [x y] (= x y)
(set/map-invert {:a "one" :b "two"}) {"one" :a "two" :b}))
(ns clojure.test-clojure.clojure-set
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(deftest test-map-invert
(are [x y] (= x y)
(set/map-invert {:a "one" :b "two"}) {"one" :a "two" :b}))
(deftest test-subset?
(are [sub super] (set/subset? sub super)
#{} #{}
#{} #{1}
#{1} #{1}
#{1 2} #{1 2}
#{1 2} #{1 2 42}
#{false} #{false}
#{nil} #{nil}
#{nil} #{nil false}
#{1 2 nil} #{1 2 nil 4})
(are [notsub super] (not (set/subset? notsub super))
#{1} #{}
#{2} #{1}
#{1 3} #{1}
#{nil} #{false}
#{false} #{nil}
#{false nil} #{nil}
#{1 2 nil} #{1 2}))
(ns clojure.core.typed.test.set-new
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.core.typed.test.test-utils :refer :all]))
(deftest map-invert-test
(is-tc-e (map-invert {:a 1, :b 2}) (Map Int Kw)
:requires [[clojure.set :refer [map-invert]]])
(is-tc-err (map-invert {:a 1, :b 2}) (Map Kw Int)
:requires [[clojure.set :refer [map-invert]]]))
(ns clojure-lsp.clojure-coercer
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[lsp4clj.coercer :as coercer]))
(s/def :project-tree/type
(s/and (s/or :keyword (s/and keyword?
(s/conformer project-tree-type-enum))
:number (s/and number?
(s/conformer #(get (set/map-invert project-tree-type-enum) %))))
(s/conformer second)))