keywordize-keys (clj)
(keywordize-keys m)
Recursively transforms all map keys from strings to keywords.
(ns cuttle.config
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
[cuttle.util :refer [file-exists? js-log log]]))
(def config
(if (file-exists? config-file-path)
(-> (js/require config-file-path) js->clj keywordize-keys)
(ns bootleg.namespaces
(:require [bootleg.utils :as utils]
[bootleg.enlive :as enlive]
[bootleg.selmer :as selmer]
[bootleg.markdown :as markdown]
[bootleg.mustache :as mustache]
[bootleg.asciidoc :as asciidoc]
[bootleg.html :as html]
[bootleg.yaml :as yaml]
[bootleg.json :as json]
[bootleg.edn :as edn]
[bootleg.glob :as glob]
[bootleg.file :as file]
[bootleg.minify :as minify]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive-html]
[edamame.core :refer [parse-string]]
[sci.core :as sci]
'clojure.walk {
'walk clojure.walk/walk
'postwalk clojure.walk/postwalk
'prewalk clojure.walk/prewalk
'postwalk-demo clojure.walk/postwalk-demo
'prewalk-demo clojure.walk/prewalk-demo
'keywordize-keys clojure.walk/keywordize-keys
'stringify-keys clojure.walk/stringify-keys
'prewalk-replace clojure.walk/prewalk-replace
'postwalk-replace clojure.walk/postwalk-replace
(ns flowmaps.examples.simple-flows
(:refer-clojure :exclude [abs update-vals update-keys])
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as cstr]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[debux.core :as dx]
[clj-http.client :as client]
[ :as json]
[flowmaps.utility :as ut]))
;; flow defs for examples. work in progress.
(def openai-calls
{:description "a simple HTTP loop using OpenAI API endpoint that keeps adding to chat history"
:components {:prompt "Top O' the morning!"
:openai-api-key (System/getenv "OAI_KEY")
:ai-ask {:fn (fn [prompt openai-api-key history]
(let [question {:role "user"
:content (str prompt)}]
(defonce last-prompt (atom nil))
(reset! last-prompt prompt) ;; to keep the loop from running amok (see :pre-when? below)
{:question question
:history (vec (conj history question))
:answer (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys
(get (clj-http.client/post
{:body (
{:model "gpt-4" ; "gpt-3.5-turbo"
:messages (vec (conj history question))})
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Authorization" (str "Bearer " openai-api-key)}
:socket-timeout 300000
:connection-timeout 300000
:content-type :json
:accept :json}) :body)))}))
:pre-when? (fn [prompt _ _] ;; pre-when gets the same payload as the main fn
(not (= prompt @last-prompt)))
:inputs [:prompt :openai-api-key :history]}
:last-response (fn [x] x) ;; just to have a data block for the UI
:last-answer (fn [x] (get-in x [:answer :choices 0 :message :content]))
:memory {:fn (fn [{:keys [question history answer]}]
(let [aa (get-in answer [:choices 0 :message])]
(conj history aa)))
:speak (fn [x] (str (get (last x) :content))) ;; if in Rabbit, and ElevenLabs KEY, read the answer
:starter [{:role "system" ;; ""bootstrap"" history with sys prompt
:content "You are a helpful assistant, you responses will be framed as if you are Buffy from the 1992 film."}]}}
;; canned REST / sub-flow endpoints
:points {"question" [[:prompt :ai-ask/prompt] ;; (channel to insert into)
[:ai-ask :memory]]} ;; (channel to snatch out of downstream)
;; ^^ send question, get answer (keeps convo state)
:hide [:openai-api-key]
:connections [[:prompt :ai-ask/prompt]
[:openai-api-key :ai-ask/openai-api-key]
[:ai-ask :memory]
[:ai-ask :last-response]
[:last-response :last-answer]
[:last-answer :done]
[:memory :ai-ask/history]]
:canvas {:ai-ask/openai-api-key {:x 430 :y 430 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:ai-ask/prompt {:x 430 :y 100 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:ai-ask/history {:x 466 :y 962 :h 350 :w 894 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:ai-ask {:x 815 :y 347 :h 522 :w 434 :view-mode "text"}
:memory {:x -199 :y 750 :h 369 :w 538 :view-mode "data"}
:openai-api-key {:x -243 :y 505 :h 141 :w 565 :view-mode "input"}
:prompt {:x -136 :y 145 :h 212 :w 415 :view-mode "input"}
:last-response {:x 1383 :y 380 :h 755 :w 818 :view-mode "data"}
"just-the-answer" {:inputs [[:last-response [:text [:map [:v :answer :choices 0 :message :content]]]]]
:x 2585 :y 984 :h 215 :w 400}
"just-the-question" {:inputs [[:last-response [:text [:map [:v :question :content]]]]]
:x 2575 :y 577 :h 215 :w 400}}})
(def ask-buffy
{:description "simple chat call"
:components {:prompt "Top O' the morning!"
:openai-api-key (let [k (System/getenv "OAI_KEY")] (if (not (empty? k)) k "missing OAI_KEY var!"))
:ai-ask {:fn (fn [prompt openai-api-key history]
(let [question {:role "user"
:content (str prompt)}]
{:question question
:history (vec (conj history question))
:answer (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys
(get (clj-http.client/post
{:body (
{:model "gpt-4"
:messages (vec (conj history question))})
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Authorization" (str "Bearer " openai-api-key)}
:socket-timeout 300000
:connection-timeout 300000
:content-type :json
:accept :json}) :body)))}))
:inputs [:prompt :openai-api-key :history]
:view (fn [x] [:markdown [(str "## " (get-in x [:question :content]))
(str "## " (get-in x [:answer :choices 0 :message :content]))] {:color "orange"}])
:pre-print (fn [prompt _ _] [:question prompt])
:post-print (fn [x] [:answer (get-in x [:answer :choices 0 :message :content])])
:doc ["### Ask Buffy!"
"#### She can be totally helpful, kinda. Sometimes." ;"---"
"#### Block requires 3 inputs"
"#### *prompt*"
"###### - The question to ask / prompt string."
"#### *openai-api-key*"
"###### - Your OpenAI API key."
"#### *history*"
"###### - Either a starter set of messages / system prompts, or the feedback loop of recursive chat histories."]}
:last-response {:fn (fn [x] (get-in x [:answer :choices 0 :message :content]))
:speak (fn [x] (str x))}
:memory [{:role "system" ;; ""bootstrap"" history with sys prompt
:content "You are a helpful assistant, you responses will be framed as if you are Buffy from the 1992 film."}]}
;; canned REST / sub-flow endpoints
:points {"question" [[:prompt :ai-ask/prompt] [:last-response :done]]}
:hide [:openai-api-key]
:connections [[:prompt :ai-ask/prompt]
[:memory :ai-ask/history]
[:openai-api-key :ai-ask/openai-api-key]
[:ai-ask :last-response]
[:last-response :done]]
:speak (fn [x] (str x)) ;; will speak when treated as a subflow only (since it will be treated as a fn!)
:canvas {:ai-ask/openai-api-key
{:x 430 :y 430 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:ai-ask/prompt {:x 430 :y 100 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:ai-ask/history {:x 466 :y 962 :h 350 :w 894 :view-mode "text" :hidden? true}
:memory {:x -199 :y 750 :h 369 :w 538 :view-mode "data"}
:openai-api-key {:x -243 :y 505 :h 141 :w 565 :view-mode "input"}
:prompt {:x -136 :y 145 :h 212 :w 415 :view-mode "input"}
:last-response {:x 1504 :y 373 :h 366 :w 489 :view-mode "text"}
:ai-ask {:x 701 :y 278 :h 510 :w 597 :view-mode "text"}}})
(ns cljsinfo-server.config
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
[cljsinfo-server.util :refer [ts-log]]))
(def config
(if-let [js-config (.readJsonSync fs "config.json" (js-obj "throws" false))]
(do (ts-log "Loaded config settings from config.json")
(->> js-config
(merge default-config-options)))
(do (ts-log "Loaded default config settings (config.json not found or invalid)")
(ns xiana.cookies
"Cookie parser"
[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
[ring.middleware.cookies :as cookies]))
(def interceptor
"Parses request and response cookies"
(letfn [(move-cookies [{headers :headers :as req}]
(cond-> req
(not (get headers "cookie")) (assoc-in
[:headers "cookie"]
(:cookie headers))))
(parse-request-cookies [req]
(-> req move-cookies cookies/cookies-request keywordize-keys))]
{:name ::interceptor
:enter (fn [state]
(update state :request parse-request-cookies))
:leave (fn [state]
(update state :response cookies/cookies-response))}))