
go (clj)




;; core.async
(ns my.async
    (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
      (:require     [cljs.core.async :refer [timeout <! chan put!]]))

  (print 8)
  (print 9999))
;; gist
(ns my.async
    (:require [viebel.gist-368d3bec58d3ec47e935ad488bafb600.raw.color])) ;
;; gist in url param
(ns devdemos.testing
   [devcards.core :as devcards]
   [cljs.test :as t :refer [report] :include-macros true]
   [sablono.core :as sab]
   [cljs.core.async :refer [<! timeout]])
   [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]
   [devcards.core :as dc :refer [defcard defcard-doc]]
   [cljs.test :refer [is testing async]]))

The following is an example of using `devcards.core/deftest` 
   '(deftest first-testers
  "## This is documentation
   It should work well"
  (testing "good stuff"
    (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 5) "Testing the adding")
    (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1) "This should work")
    (is (= 1 3))              
    (is false)
    (is (throw "heck"))
    (is (js/asdf)))
  "## And here is more documentation"
  (testing "bad stuff"
    (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
    (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
    (is false)
    (testing "mad stuff"
      (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
      (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
      (is false)))))

(dc/deftest first-testers
  "## This is documentation
   It should work well"
  (testing "good stuff"
    (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 5) "Testing the adding")
    (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1) "This should work")
    (is (= 1 3))              
    (is false)
    (is (throw "heck"))
    (is (js/asdf)))
  "## And here is more documentation"
  (testing "bad stuff"
    (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
    (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
    (is false)
    (testing "mad stuff"
      (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
      (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
      (is false))))

  (t/testing "Let's run async tests!"
      (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4) "Testing the adding")
      (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1) "This should work")
      (is (= 1 3))              
      (is true)
      (async done
               (<! (timeout 100))
               (is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4) "Testing the adding")
               (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1) "This should work")
               (is (throw "heck")) ;; all the tests from here down
               ;; will not be rendered
               (is (= 1 3))              
               (is true)
    "## And here is more documentation"
  (t/testing "bad stuff"
    (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
    (t/is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
    (t/is false)
    (t/testing "mad stuff"
      (is (= (+ 1 0 0 0) 1))        
      (t/is (= (+ 3 4 55555) 4))
      (t/is false))))
(ns textarea-to-code-editor.content.handlers
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]
                   [textarea-to-code-editor.macros :refer [defhandler]])
  (:require [cljs.core.match :refer-macros [match]]
            [cljs.core.async :refer [>!]]
            [textarea-to-code-editor.content.editor :as e]))

(defhandler populate-context-menu!
  "Populates context menu with available modes."
  [el runtime-chan]
  (go (>! runtime-chan [:populate-context-menu
                        {:current-mode (e/get-editor-mode el)
                         :modes (e/get-modes)}]))

(defhandler clear-context-menu!
  "Clears context menu."
  (go (>! runtime-chan [:clear-context-menu nil]))
(ns oak.http
  (:require [oak.core :as oak]
            [cljs-http.client :as http]
            [cljs.core.async :as a])
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))

(defmethod oak/cmd! ::request! [{:keys [method url ev] :as opts} cb]
    (let [{:keys [success] :as resp} (a/<! (http/request (dissoc opts :ev)))]
      (when-let [[ev-type ev-args] ev]
        (cb [ev-type (merge ev-args
                            {::resp (dissoc resp :success)
                             ::success? success})])))))
(ns demo.core
  (:use [ :only [play-scene]]
        [cljs.core.async :only [<! chan]]
        [ruin.scene :only [defscene]])
  (:require [ruin.display :as d]
            [ :as g]
            [ruin.scene :as s]
            [demo.entities :as es]
            [demo.tiles :as tiles]
            [ruin.generate :as generate])
  (:use-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :only [go]])
  (:require-macros [lonocloud.synthread :as ->]))

   (fn [{:keys [key-events] :as game}]
     (go (loop [[event-type key-code] (<! key-events)]
           (if (and (= event-type :down)
                    (= key-code js/ROT.VK_RETURN))
             (g/change-scene game :play)
             (recur (<! key-events))))))})

   (fn [_] (chan))})