
by-keys (clj)



(by-keys key-map clause opts)
Given a hash map of column names and values and a clause type (`:set`, `:where`), return a vector of a SQL clause and its parameters. Applies any `:column-fn` supplied in the options.


(ns next.jdbc.sql.builder-test
  "Tests for the SQL string building functions in next.jdbc.sql.builder."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [next.jdbc.quoted :refer [mysql sql-server]]
            [next.jdbc.sql.builder :as builder]))

(deftest test-by-keys
  (testing ":where clause"
    (is (= (builder/by-keys {:a nil :b 42 :c "s"} :where {})
           ["WHERE a IS NULL AND b = ? AND c = ?" 42 "s"])))
  (testing ":set clause"
    (is (= (builder/by-keys {:a nil :b 42 :c "s"} :set {})
           ["SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?" nil 42 "s"]))))
(ns next.jdbc.sql.builder-test
  "Tests for the SQL string building functions in next.jdbc.sql.builder."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [next.jdbc.quoted :refer [mysql sql-server]]
            [next.jdbc.sql.builder :as builder]))

(deftest test-by-keys
  (testing ":where clause"
    (is (= (builder/by-keys {:a nil :b 42 :c "s"} :where {})
           ["WHERE a IS NULL AND b = ? AND c = ?" 42 "s"])))
  (testing ":set clause"
    (is (= (builder/by-keys {:a nil :b 42 :c "s"} :set {})
           ["SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?" nil 42 "s"]))))