
insert! (clj)



(insert! connectable table key-map) (insert! connectable table key-map opts)
Syntactic sugar over `execute-one!` to make inserting hash maps easier. Given a connectable object, a table name, and a data hash map, inserts the data as a single row in the database and attempts to return a map of generated keys.


(ns next.jdbc.sql-test
  "Tests for the syntactic sugar SQL functions."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
             :refer [with-test-db ds column default-options
                     derby? jtds? maria? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.types :refer [as-other as-real as-varchar]]))

(deftest test-insert-delete
  (let [new-key (cond (derby?)    :1
                      (jtds?)     :ID
                      (maria?)    :insert_id
                      (mssql?)    :GENERATED_KEYS
                      (mysql?)    :GENERATED_KEY
                      (postgres?) :fruit/id
                      :else       :FRUIT/ID)]
    (testing "single insert/delete"
      (is (== 5 (new-key (sql/insert! (ds) :fruit
                                      {:name (as-varchar "Kiwi")
                                       :appearance "green & fuzzy"
                                       :cost 100 :grade (as-real 99.9)}
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 5 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 5})))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete"
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [6 7 8])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      [:name :appearance :cost :grade]
                                      [["Kiwi" "green & fuzzy" 100 99.9]
                                       ["Grape" "black" 10 50]
                                       ["Lemon" "yellow" 20 9.9]]
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 6})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 4])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete with sequential cols/rows" ; per #43
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [9 10 11])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      '(:name :appearance :cost :grade)
                                      '(("Kiwi" "green & fuzzy" 100 99.9)
                                        ("Grape" "black" 10 50)
                                        ("Lemon" "yellow" 20 9.9))
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 9})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 4])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete with maps"
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [12 13 14])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      [{:name       "Kiwi"
                                        :appearance "green & fuzzy"
                                        :cost       100
                                        :grade      99.9}
                                       {:name       "Grape"
                                        :appearance "black"
                                        :cost       10
                                        :grade      50}
                                       {:name       "Lemon"
                                        :appearance "yellow"
                                        :cost       20
                                        :grade      9.9}]
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 12})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 10])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "empty insert-multi!" ; per #44 and #264
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                   [:name :appearance :cost :grade]
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      ;; per #264 the following should all be legal too:
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit [])))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit [] []))))))

(deftest enum-pg
  (when (postgres?)
    (let [r (sql/insert! (ds) :lang-test {:lang (as-other "fr")}
      (is (= {:lang-test/lang "fr"} r)))))
(ns next.jdbc.sql-test
  "Tests for the syntactic sugar SQL functions."
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
             :refer [with-test-db ds column default-options
                     derby? jtds? maria? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
            [next.jdbc.types :refer [as-other as-real as-varchar]]))

(deftest test-insert-delete
  (let [new-key (cond (derby?)    :1
                      (jtds?)     :ID
                      (maria?)    :insert_id
                      (mssql?)    :GENERATED_KEYS
                      (mysql?)    :GENERATED_KEY
                      (postgres?) :fruit/id
                      :else       :FRUIT/ID)]
    (testing "single insert/delete"
      (is (== 5 (new-key (sql/insert! (ds) :fruit
                                      {:name (as-varchar "Kiwi")
                                       :appearance "green & fuzzy"
                                       :cost 100 :grade (as-real 99.9)}
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 5 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 5})))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete"
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [6 7 8])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      [:name :appearance :cost :grade]
                                      [["Kiwi" "green & fuzzy" 100 99.9]
                                       ["Grape" "black" 10 50]
                                       ["Lemon" "yellow" 20 9.9]]
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 6})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 4])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete with sequential cols/rows" ; per #43
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [9 10 11])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      '(:name :appearance :cost :grade)
                                      '(("Kiwi" "green & fuzzy" 100 99.9)
                                        ("Grape" "black" 10 50)
                                        ("Lemon" "yellow" 20 9.9))
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 9})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 4])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "multiple insert/delete with maps"
      (is (= (cond (derby?)
                   [nil] ; WTF Apache Derby?
                   [12 13 14])
             (mapv new-key
                   (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                      [{:name       "Kiwi"
                                        :appearance "green & fuzzy"
                                        :cost       100
                                        :grade      99.9}
                                       {:name       "Grape"
                                        :appearance "black"
                                        :cost       10
                                        :grade      50}
                                       {:name       "Lemon"
                                        :appearance "yellow"
                                        :cost       20
                                        :grade      9.9}]
                                       (when (sqlite?)
                                         "RETURNING *")}))))
      (is (= 7 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 1}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit {:id 12})))
      (is (= 6 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
      (is (= {:next.jdbc/update-count 2}
             (sql/delete! (ds) :fruit ["id > ?" 10])))
      (is (= 4 (count (sql/query (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
    (testing "empty insert-multi!" ; per #44 and #264
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                   [:name :appearance :cost :grade]
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      ;; per #264 the following should all be legal too:
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit
                                    (when (sqlite?)
                                      "RETURNING *")})))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit [])))
      (is (= [] (sql/insert-multi! (ds) :fruit [] []))))))

(deftest enum-pg
  (when (postgres?)
    (let [r (sql/insert! (ds) :lang-test {:lang (as-other "fr")}
      (is (= {:lang-test/lang "fr"} r)))))
(ns cheffy.conversation.db
  (:require [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc])
  (:import (java.util UUID)))

(defmethod dispatch :insert-message
  [[_ db {:keys [conversation-id to from] :as message}]]
  (jdbc/with-transaction [tx db]
    (sql/insert! tx :message
                 (-> message (assoc :uid from) (dissoc :to :from))
                 (:options db))
    (jdbc/execute-one! tx ["UPDATE conversation
                            SET notifications = notifications + 1
                            WHERE conversation_id = ?
                            AND uid = ?" conversation-id to])))

(defmethod dispatch :start-conversation
  [[_ db {:keys [to from] :as message}]]
  (with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection db)]
    (let [conn-opts (jdbc/with-options conn (:options db))
          conversing (jdbc/execute-one! conn-opts ["SELECT a.conversation_id
                                               FROM conversation a
                                               JOIN conversation b
                                               ON a.conversation_id = b.conversation_id
                                               WHERE a.uid = ? AND b.uid = ?" to from])]
      (if-let [conversation-id (:conversation/conversation-id conversing)]
          (dispatch [:insert-message conn-opts (assoc message :conversation-id conversation-id)])
        (jdbc/with-transaction [tx conn]
          (let [conversation-id (str (UUID/randomUUID))]
            (sql/insert! tx :message (-> message
                                         (assoc :uid from :conversation-id conversation-id)
                                         (dissoc :from :to))
                         (:options db))
            (sql/insert-multi! tx :conversation
                               [:notifications :uid :conversation_id]
                               [[1 to conversation-id]
                                [0 from conversation-id]])
(ns cheffy.conversation.db
  (:require [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc])
  (:import (java.util UUID)))

(defmethod dispatch :insert-message
  [[_ db {:keys [conversation-id to from] :as message}]]
  (jdbc/with-transaction [tx db]
    (sql/insert! tx :message
                 (-> message (assoc :uid from) (dissoc :to :from))
                 (:options db))
    (jdbc/execute-one! tx ["UPDATE conversation
                            SET notifications = notifications + 1
                            WHERE conversation_id = ?
                            AND uid = ?" conversation-id to])))

(defmethod dispatch :start-conversation
  [[_ db {:keys [to from] :as message}]]
  (with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection db)]
    (let [conn-opts (jdbc/with-options conn (:options db))
          conversing (jdbc/execute-one! conn-opts ["SELECT a.conversation_id
                                               FROM conversation a
                                               JOIN conversation b
                                               ON a.conversation_id = b.conversation_id
                                               WHERE a.uid = ? AND b.uid = ?" to from])]
      (if-let [conversation-id (:conversation/conversation-id conversing)]
          (dispatch [:insert-message conn-opts (assoc message :conversation-id conversation-id)])
        (jdbc/with-transaction [tx conn]
          (let [conversation-id (str (UUID/randomUUID))]
            (sql/insert! tx :message (-> message
                                         (assoc :uid from :conversation-id conversation-id)
                                         (dissoc :from :to))
                         (:options db))
            (sql/insert-multi! tx :conversation
                               [:notifications :uid :conversation_id]
                               [[1 to conversation-id]
                                [0 from conversation-id]])
(ns cheffy.conversation.db
  (:require [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))

(defmethod dispatch :insert-message
  [[_ db {:keys [conversation-id to from] :as message}]]
  (jdbc/with-transaction [tx db]
    (sql/insert! tx :message
      (-> message (assoc :uid from) (dissoc :to :from))
      (:options db))
    (jdbc/execute-one! tx ["UPDATE conversation
                            SET notifications = notifications + 1
                            WHERE converstaion_id = ?
                            AND uid = ?" conversation-id to])))
(ns dienstplan.db-test
   [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
   [dienstplan.db :as db]
   [dienstplan.fixture :as fix]
   [dienstplan.spec :as spec]
   [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
   [next.jdbc.sql :as sql]
   [ :as date-time]
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(deftest ^:integration test-rota-update!
  (testing "Update rota"
    (doseq [[before after expected description] params-rota-update!]
      (testing description
        (jdbc/with-transaction [conn db/db]
          (let [_ (db/rota-insert! before)
                _ (db/rota-update! after)
                rota (db/duty-get rota-channel rota-name)]
            (is (= expected (dissoc rota :rota/id)))))))))

(deftest test-db-schema-rota
  (testing "DB table rota"
    (doseq [rota-params params-gen-rota]
      (jdbc/with-transaction [conn db/db]
        (let [inserted (sql/insert! conn :rota rota-params)]
          (is (s/valid? ::spec/db-rota inserted)))
        (.rollback conn)))))

(deftest test-db-schema-mention
  (testing "DB table mention"
    (doseq [mention-params params-gen-mention]
      (jdbc/with-transaction [conn db/db]
        (let [now (new java.sql.Timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis))
              rota (sql/insert!
                    conn :rota
                    {:name "rota" :channel "chan" :description "my rota"
                     :created_on now :updated_on now})
               (constantly (:rota/id rota)))
              inserted (sql/insert! conn :mention params)]
          (is (s/valid? ::spec/db-mention inserted)))
        (.rollback conn)))))