*nested-tx* (clj)
Controls the behavior when a nested transaction is attempted.
Possible values are:
* `:allow` -- the default: assumes you know what you are doing!
* `:ignore` -- the same behavior as ``: the nested
transaction is simply ignored and any SQL operations inside it are
executed in the context of the outer transaction.
* `:prohibit` -- any attempt to create a nested transaction will throw
an exception: this is the safest but most restrictive approach so
that you can make sure you don't accidentally have any attempts
to create nested transactions (since that might be a bug in your code).
(ns toucan2.jdbc.connection
[methodical.core :as m]
[toucan2.connection :as conn]
[toucan2.log :as log]))
(m/defmethod conn/do-with-transaction java.sql.Connection
[^java.sql.Connection conn options f]
(let [nested-tx-rule (get options :nested-transaction-rule next.jdbc.transaction/*nested-tx*)
options (dissoc options :nested-transaction-rule)]
(log/debugf "do with JDBC transaction (nested rule: %s) with options %s" nested-tx-rule options)
(binding [next.jdbc.transaction/*nested-tx* nested-tx-rule]
(next.jdbc/with-transaction [t-conn conn options]
(f t-conn)))))
(ns startrek.test.fixtures
{:author "David Harrigan"}
[ :as log]
[donut.system :as ds]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.transaction :as transaction]
[startrek.test.system :as test-system]))
(def with-rollback
(fn [f]
(log/debug "Starting a test transaction that will be rolled back once the test has completed...")
(let [{::ds/keys [instances]} *test-system*
{{:keys [db]} :app-config} instances]
(jdbc/with-transaction [tx db {:rollback-only true}]
(binding [transaction/*nested-tx* :ignore ;;mimic the behaviour of, whereby the outer transaction controls the inner transaction. See link above for more info.
*test-system* (assoc-in *test-system* [::ds/instances :app-config :db] tx)]