
exception-interceptor (clj)



(exception-interceptor) (exception-interceptor handlers)
Creates an Interceptor that catches all exceptions. Takes a map of `identifier => exception request => response` that is used to select the exception handler for the thrown/raised exception identifier. Exception identifier is either a `Keyword` or a Exception Class. The following handlers special handlers are available: | key | description |------------------------|------------- | `::exception/default` | a default exception handler if nothing else matched (default [[default-handler]]). | `::exception/wrap` | a 3-arity handler to wrap the actual handler `handler exception request => response` The handler is selected from the options map by exception identifier in the following lookup order: 1) `:type` of exception ex-data 2) Class of exception 3) `:type` ancestors of exception ex-data 4) Super Classes of exception 5) The ::default handler Example: (require '[reitit.ring.interceptors.exception :as exception]) ;; type hierarchy (derive ::error ::exception) (derive ::failure ::exception) (derive ::horror ::exception) (defn handler [message exception request] {:status 500 :body {:message message :exception (str exception) :uri (:uri request)}}) (exception/exception-interceptor (merge exception/default-handlers {;; ex-data with :type ::error ::error (partial handler "error") ;; ex-data with ::exception or ::failure ::exception (partial handler "exception") ;; SQLException and all it's child classes java.sql.SQLException (partial handler "sql-exception") ;; override the default handler ::exception/default (partial handler "default") ;; print stack-traces for all exceptions ::exception/wrap (fn [handler e request] (.printStackTrace e) (handler e request))}))
