
Crypto engines low-level abstraction.

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
-decrypt (clj)
-encrypt (clj)
-end (clj) Finalize cipher engine.
-init (clj) Initialize cipher engine.
IBlockCipherLike (clj)
ICipherInit (clj)
IStreamCipherLike (clj)
block-cipher (clj) Block cipher engine constructor.
block-size (clj) Return the block size of the block cipher.
decrypt (clj) Decrypt data encrypted using the `encrypt` function.
encrypt (clj) Encrypt arbitrary length data using one of the supported encryption scheme.
end! (clj) End the encryption process.
get-block-size (clj) A backward compatibility alias for `output-size` function.
get-output-size (clj) A backward compatibility alias for `output-size` function.
init! (clj) Initialize the cipher engine.
initialize! (clj) A backward compatibility alias for `init!`.
output-size (clj) Get the output size of the aead block cipher.
process-block! (clj) Encrypt or decrypt a bytes using the specified engine.
process-bytes! (clj) Encrypt or decrypt a bytes using the specified engine.
split-by-blocksize (clj) Split a byte array in blocksize blocks.
stream-cipher (clj) Stream cipher engine constructor.