output-size (clj)
(output-size engine length)
Get the output size of the aead block cipher.
(ns buddy.core.crypto-tests
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.pprint :refer :all]
[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs :refer :all]
[buddy.core.bytes :as bytes]
[buddy.core.keys :refer :all]
[buddy.core.nonce :as nonce]
[buddy.core.hash :as hash]
[buddy.core.crypto :as crypto]
[ :as io]))
(deftest low-level-aead-mode-tests
(let [key (hex->bytes "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
data (nonce/random-bytes 256)
iv16 (nonce/random-bytes 16)
cipher (crypto/block-cipher :aes :gcm)]
(crypto/initialize! cipher {:iv iv16 :key key :op :encrypt})
(let [finalsize (crypto/get-output-size cipher (count data))]
(is (= finalsize 272)))
(let [output (byte-array 272)
offset (crypto/process-block! cipher data 0 output 0)
offset' (crypto/end! cipher output offset)]
(crypto/initialize! cipher {:iv iv16 :key key :op :decrypt})
(let [input output
finalsize (crypto/get-output-size cipher (count input))]
(is (= finalsize 256))
(let [output (byte-array 256)
offset (crypto/process-block! cipher input 0 output 0)
offset' (crypto/end! cipher output offset)]
(is (bytes/equals? output data)))))))