
Graph algorithms for use on any type of graph
Public Variable Short Description
->Ancestry (clj)
Ancestry (clj)
ancestor? (clj) Finds if the 'parenter node is an ancestor of 'childer node for the given 'ancestry cache.
ancestors (clj) Returns all of the ancestors of 'child node.
ancestry-add (clj) Adds a 'node and its 'parents associations to the 'ancestry cache.
ancestry-contains? (clj) Finds if a 'node is contained in the 'ancestry cache.
ancestry-new (clj) Create a new, empty Ancestry cache.
ancestry-nodes (clj) Returns all of the nodes in an 'ancestry.
bf-path (clj) Returns a path from start to end with the fewest hops (i.e.
bf-path-bi (clj) Using a bidirectional breadth-first search, finds a path from start to end with the fewest hops (i.e.
bf-paths-bi (clj) Using a bidirectional breadth-first search, returns all shortest paths from start to end; predecessors is called on end and each preceding node, successors is called on start, etc.
bf-span (clj) Return a breadth-first spanning tree of the form {node [successors]}.
bf-traverse (clj) Traverses a graph breadth-first from start, successors being a function that returns adjacent nodes.
bits-per-long (clj)
bm-get (clj) Get boolean state of bit in 'bitmap at 'idx.
bm-get-indicies (clj) Get the indicies of set bits in 'bitmap.
bm-longs (clj) Returns the number of longs required to store bits count bits in a bitmap.
bm-new (clj) Create new empty bitmap.
bm-or (clj) Logically OR 'bitmaps together.
bm-set (clj) Set boolean state of bit in 'bitmap at 'idx to true.
dijkstra-path (clj) Finds the shortest path from start to end, where successors and dist are functions called as (successors node) and (dist node1 node2).
dijkstra-path-dist (clj) Finds the shortest path from start to end, where successors and dist are functions called as (successors node) and (dist node1 node2).
dijkstra-span (clj) Finds all shortest distances from start, where successors and dist are functions called as (successors node) and (dist node1 node2).
dijkstra-traverse (clj) Returns a lazy-seq of [current-node state] where state is a map in the format {node [distance predecessor]}.
map->Ancestry (clj)
paths (clj) Returns a lazy seq of all non-looping path vectors starting with [<start-node>].
post-edge-traverse (clj) Traverses a graph depth-first postorder from start, successors being a function that returns direct successors for the node.
post-traverse (clj) Traverses a graph depth-first postorder from start, successors being a function that returns adjacent nodes.
pre-edge-traverse (clj) Traverses a graph depth-first preorder from start, successors being a function that returns direct successors for the node.
pre-span (clj) Returns a depth-first spanning tree of the form {node [successors]}.
pre-traverse (clj) Traverses a graph depth-first preorder from start, successors being a function that returns direct successors for the node.
preds->span (clj) Converts a map of the form {node predecessor} to a spanning tree of the form {node [successors]}.
topsort-component (clj) Topological sort of a component of a (presumably) directed graph.
trace-path (clj) Using a map of nodes-to-preds, traces a node's family tree back to the source.
trace-paths (clj) Given a function and a starting node, returns all possible paths back to source.