
This is the extensible core of the next generation java.jdbc library. * `Sourceable` -- for producing `javax.sql.DataSource` objects, * `Connectable` -- for producing new `java.sql.Connection` objects, * `Executable` -- for executing SQL operations, * `Preparable` -- for producing new `java.sql.PreparedStatement` objects, * `Transactable` -- for executing SQL operations transactionally.
Public Variable Short Description
-execute (clj) Produce a 'reducible' that, when reduced (with an initial value), executes the SQL and processes the rows of the `ResultSet` directly.
-execute-all (clj) Executes the SQL and produces (by default) a vector of fully-realized, datafiable hash maps from the `ResultSet`.
-execute-one (clj) Executes the SQL or DDL and produces the first row of the `ResultSet` as a fully-realized, datafiable hash map (by default).
-transact (clj) Run the `body-fn` inside a transaction.
Connectable (clj) Protocol for producing a new JDBC connection that should be closed when you are finished with it.
Executable (clj) Protocol for executing SQL operations.
Preparable (clj) Protocol for producing a new `java.sql.PreparedStatement` that should be closed after use.
Sourceable (clj) Protocol for producing a `javax.sql.DataSource`.
Transactable (clj) Protocol for running SQL operations in a transaction.
get-connection (clj) Produce a new `java.sql.Connection` for use with `with-open`.
get-datasource (clj) Produce a `javax.sql.DataSource`.
prepare (clj) Produce a new `java.sql.PreparedStatement` for use with `with-open`.