
get-datasource (clj)



(get-datasource this)
Produce a `javax.sql.DataSource`.


  At some point, the datasource/connection tests should probably be extended
  to accept EDN specs from an external source (environment variables?)."
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
            [next.jdbc.protocols :as p]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.test-fixtures :refer [with-test-db db]]))

(deftest test-uri-strings
  (testing "datasource via String"
    (let [db-spec (db)
          db-spec (if (= "embedded-postgres" (:dbtype db-spec))
                    (assoc db-spec :dbtype "postgresql")
          [url etc] (#'c/spec->url+etc db-spec)
          {:keys [user password]} etc
          etc (dissoc etc :user :password)
          uri (-> url
                  ;; strip jdbc: prefix for fun
                  (str/replace #"^jdbc:" "")
                  (str/replace #";" "?") ; for SQL Server tests
                  (str/replace #":sqlserver" "") ; for SQL Server tests
                  (cond-> (and user password)
                    (str/replace #"://" (str "://" user ":" password "@"))))
          ds (p/get-datasource (assoc etc :jdbcUrl uri))]
      (when (and user password)
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))))
  At some point, the datasource/connection tests should probably be extended
  to accept EDN specs from an external source (environment variables?)."
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
            [next.jdbc.protocols :as p])
  (:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
           (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)))

(deftest test-sourceable-via-metadata
  (doseq [db test-dbs]
    (let [ds (p/get-datasource
              ^{`p/get-datasource (fn [v] (p/get-datasource (first v)))} [db])]
      (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds)))))

(deftest test-get-connection
  (doseq [db test-dbs]
    (println 'test-get-connection (:dbtype db))
    (testing "datasource via Associative"
      (let [ds (p/get-datasource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) (str "jdbc:" (:dbtype db))))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via String"
      (let [[url _] (#'c/spec->url+etc db)
            ds (p/get-datasource url)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) url))
        (.setLoginTimeout ds 0)
        (is (= 0 (.getLoginTimeout ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via jdbcUrl"
      (let [[url etc] (#'c/spec->url+etc db)
            ds (p/get-datasource (assoc etc :jdbcUrl url))]
        (if (= "derby" (:dbtype db))
          (is (= {:create true} etc))
          (is (= {} etc)))
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) (str "jdbc:" (:dbtype db))))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (.setLoginTimeout ds 1)
        (is (= 1 (.getLoginTimeout ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via HikariCP"
      ;; the type hint is only needed because we want to call .close
      (with-open [^HikariDataSource ds (c/->pool HikariDataSource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via c3p0"
      ;; the type hint is only needed because we want to call .close
      (with-open [^PooledDataSource ds (c/->pool ComboPooledDataSource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "connection via map (Object)"
      (with-open [con (p/get-connection db {})]
        (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con))))))
(ns ^:no-doc next.jdbc.default-options
  "Implementation of default options logic."
  (:require [next.jdbc.protocols :as p]))

(extend-protocol p/Sourceable
  (get-datasource [this]
                  (p/get-datasource (:connectable this))))
  At some point, the datasource/connection tests should probably be extended
  to accept EDN specs from an external source (environment variables?)."
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
            [next.jdbc.protocols :as p])
  (:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
           (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)))

(deftest test-sourceable-via-metadata
  (doseq [db test-dbs]
    (let [ds (p/get-datasource
              ^{`p/get-datasource (fn [v] (p/get-datasource (first v)))} [db])]
      (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds)))))

(deftest test-get-connection
  (doseq [db test-dbs]
    (println 'test-get-connection (:dbtype db))
    (testing "datasource via Associative"
      (let [ds (p/get-datasource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) (str "jdbc:" (:dbtype db))))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via String"
      (let [[url _] (#'c/spec->url+etc db)
            ds (p/get-datasource url)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) url))
        (.setLoginTimeout ds 0)
        (is (= 0 (.getLoginTimeout ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via jdbcUrl"
      (let [[url etc] (#'c/spec->url+etc db)
            ds (p/get-datasource (assoc etc :jdbcUrl url))]
        (if (= "derby" (:dbtype db))
          (is (= {:create true} etc))
          (is (= {} etc)))
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        (is (str/index-of (pr-str ds) (str "jdbc:" (:dbtype db))))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (.setLoginTimeout ds 1)
        (is (= 1 (.getLoginTimeout ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via HikariCP"
      ;; the type hint is only needed because we want to call .close
      (with-open [^HikariDataSource ds (c/->pool HikariDataSource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "datasource via c3p0"
      ;; the type hint is only needed because we want to call .close
      (with-open [^PooledDataSource ds (c/->pool ComboPooledDataSource db)]
        (is (instance? javax.sql.DataSource ds))
        ;; checks get-datasource on a DataSource is identity
        (is (identical? ds (p/get-datasource ds)))
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))
    (testing "connection via map (Object)"
      (with-open [con (p/get-connection db {})]
        (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con))))))
  At some point, the datasource/connection tests should probably be extended
  to accept EDN specs from an external source (environment variables?)."
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
            [next.jdbc.connection :as c]
            [next.jdbc.protocols :as p]
            [next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
            [next.jdbc.test-fixtures :refer [with-test-db db]]))

(deftest test-uri-strings
  (testing "datasource via String"
    (let [db-spec (db)
          db-spec (if (= "embedded-postgres" (:dbtype db-spec))
                    (assoc db-spec :dbtype "postgresql")
          [url etc] (#'c/spec->url+etc db-spec)
          {:keys [user password]} etc
          etc (dissoc etc :user :password)
          uri (-> url
                  ;; strip jdbc: prefix for fun
                  (str/replace #"^jdbc:" "")
                  (str/replace #";" "?") ; for SQL Server tests
                  (str/replace #":sqlserver" "") ; for SQL Server tests
                  (cond-> (and user password)
                    (str/replace #"://" (str "://" user ":" password "@"))))
          ds (p/get-datasource (assoc etc :jdbcUrl uri))]
      (when (and user password)
        (with-open [con (p/get-connection ds {})]
          (is (instance? java.sql.Connection con)))))))