chime-ch (clj)
(chime-ch times & [{:keys [ch], :or {ch (a/chan)}}])
Returns a core.async channel that 'chimes' at every time in the times list.
times - (required) Sequence of java.util.Dates, java.time.Instant,
java.time.ZonedDateTime or msecs since epoch
ch - (optional) Channel to chime on - defaults to a new unbuffered channel
Closing this channel stops the schedule.
(let [chimes (chime-ch [(.plusSeconds (Instant/now) -2)
(.plusSeconds (Instant/now) 2)
(.plusSeconds (Instant/now) 2)])]
(a/<!! (go-loop []
(when-let [msg (<! chimes)]
(prn "Chiming at:" msg)
There are extensive usage examples in the README
(ns chime.core-async-test
(:require [chime.core-async :as sut]
[chime.core-test :refer [check-timeliness!]]
[clojure.test :as t]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go-loop]])
(:import [java.time Instant]))
(t/deftest test-chime-ch
(let [now (Instant/now)
times [(.minusSeconds now 2)
(.plusSeconds now 1)
(.plusSeconds now 2)]
chimes (sut/chime-ch times)
proof (atom [])]
(t/deftest test-channel-closing
(let [now (Instant/now)
times [(.minusSeconds now 2)
(.plusSeconds now 1)
(.plusSeconds now 2)]
chimes (sut/chime-ch times)
proof (atom [])]
(a/<!! (a/go
(swap! proof conj (a/<! chimes))
(swap! proof conj (a/<! chimes))
(a/close! chimes)
(when-let [v (a/<! chimes)]
(swap! proof conj v))))
(t/is (= (butlast times) @proof))))
(ns chime.core-async-test
(:require [chime.core-async :as sut]
[chime.core-test :refer [check-timeliness!]]
[clojure.test :as t]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go-loop]])
(:import [java.time Instant]))
(t/deftest test-chime-ch
(let [now (Instant/now)
times [(.minusSeconds now 2)
(.plusSeconds now 1)
(.plusSeconds now 2)]
chimes (sut/chime-ch times)
proof (atom [])]
(t/deftest test-channel-closing
(let [now (Instant/now)
times [(.minusSeconds now 2)
(.plusSeconds now 1)
(.plusSeconds now 2)]
chimes (sut/chime-ch times)
proof (atom [])]
(a/<!! (a/go
(swap! proof conj (a/<! chimes))
(swap! proof conj (a/<! chimes))
(a/close! chimes)
(when-let [v (a/<! chimes)]
(swap! proof conj v))))
(t/is (= (butlast times) @proof))))