reduce (clj)
(reduce f coll)
(reduce f init coll)
Like core/reduce except:
When init is not provided, (f) is used.
Maps are reduced with reduce-kv
(ns clojure.test-clojure.reducers
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
[ :as gen])
(:use clojure.test))
(defmacro defequivtest
;; f is the core fn, r is the reducers equivalent, rt is the reducible ->
;; coll transformer
[name [f r rt] fns]
`(deftest ~name
(let [c# (range -100 1000)]
(doseq [fn# ~fns]
(is (= (~f fn# c#)
(~rt (~r fn# c#))))))))
(deftest test-mapcat-obeys-reduced
(is (= [1 "0" 2 "1" 3]
(->> (concat (range 100) (lazy-seq (throw (Exception. "Too eager"))))
(r/mapcat (juxt inc str))
(r/take 5)
(into [])))))
(defequivtest test-reduce
[reduce r/reduce identity]
[+' *'])
(deftest test-sorted-maps
(let [m (into (sorted-map)
'{1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d})]
(is (= "1a2b3c4d" (reduce-kv str "" m))
"Sorted maps should reduce-kv in sorted order")
(is (= 1 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(reduced (+ acc k)))
0 m))
"Sorted maps should stop reduction when asked")))
(deftest test-nil
(is (= {:k :v} (reduce-kv assoc {:k :v} nil)))
(is (= 0 (r/fold + nil))))
(defn reduced-at-probe
[m p]
(reduce-kv (fn [_ k v] (when (== p k) (reduced :foo))) nil m))
(defspec reduced-always-returns
(fn [probe to-end]
(let [len (+ probe to-end 1)
nums (range len)
m (zipmap nums nums)]
(reduced-at-probe m probe)))
[^{:tag `gen-num} probe ^{:tag `gen-num} to-end]
(assert (= :foo %)))
(deftest test-closed-over-clearing
;; this will throw OutOfMemory without proper reference clearing
(is (number? (reduce + 0 (r/map identity (range 1e8))))))
(ns cljs.reducers-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]))
(deftest test-builtin-impls
(is (= 0 (r/fold + nil)))
(is (= [1 2 3 4] (seq (r/reduce r/append! (r/cat) [1 2 3 4]))))
(is (= 10 (r/reduce + (array 1 2 3 4))))
(is (= 11 (r/reduce + 1 (array 1 2 3 4))))
(is (= 10 (r/reduce + (list 1 2 3 4))))
(is (= 11 (r/reduce + 1 (list 1 2 3 4))))
(is (= (r/fold + + [1 2 3])
(r/fold + [1 2 3])
(r/reduce + [1 2 3])
(is (= (r/fold + + (vec (range 2048)))
(r/reduce + (vec (range 2048)))))
(letfn [(f [[ks vs] k v]
[(conj ks k) (conj vs v)])
(g ([] [#{} #{}])
([[ks1 vs1] [ks2 vs2]]
[(into ks1 ks2) (into vs1 vs2)]))]
(is (= (r/reduce f (g) {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(r/fold g f {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
[#{:a :b :c} #{1 2 3}]))
(let [m (into {} (for [x (range 2048)] [x (- x)]))]
(is (= (r/reduce f (g) m) (r/fold g f m)))))
;; CLJS-792
(is (= (into [] (r/map identity {})) [])))
(ns testcases.unusednss3
(:require [clojure.core.protocols :as protocols]
[clojure.core.reducers :as reducers]
[ :as data]
[ :as io]
[clojure.reflect :as reflect]))
(extend String
{:kv-reduce (fn [amap f init] nil)})
(extend-protocol reducers/CollFold
(coll-fold [coll n combinef reducef] nil))
(ns next.jdbc-test
"Basic tests for the primary API of `next.jdbc`."
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.connection :as c]
:refer [with-test-db db ds column
default-options stored-proc?
derby? hsqldb? jtds? mssql? mysql? postgres? sqlite?]]
[next.jdbc.prepare :as prep]
[next.jdbc.result-set :as rs]
[next.jdbc.specs :as specs]
[next.jdbc.types :as types])
(:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
(com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)
(java.sql ResultSet ResultSetMetaData)))
(deftest basic-tests
;; use ds-opts instead of (ds) anywhere you want default options applied:
(let [ds-opts (jdbc/with-options (ds) (default-options))]
(testing "plan"
(is (= "Apple"
(reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (:name row)))
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"]))))
(is (= "Banana"
(reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (:no-such-column row "Banana")))
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"])))))
(testing "execute-one!"
(is (nil? (jdbc/execute-one!
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "neon-green"])))
(is (= "Apple" ((column :FRUIT/NAME)
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"]))))
(is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1]
(let [ds' (jdbc/with-options ds-opts jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)]
(is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1])))))
(jdbc/with-transaction+options [ds' (jdbc/with-options ds-opts jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)]
(is (= (merge (default-options) jdbc/snake-kebab-opts)
(:options ds')))
(is (= "red" (:fruit/looks-like
["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1])))))
(is (= "red" (:looks-like
["select appearance as looks_like from fruit where id = ?" 1]
(testing "execute!"
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "neon-green"])]
(is (vector? rs))
(is (= [] rs)))
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit where appearance = ?" "red"])]
(is (= 1 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs)))))
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:builder-fn rs/as-maps})]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 4 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:builder-fn rs/as-arrays})]
(is (every? vector? rs))
(is (= 5 (count rs)))
(is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
;; columns come first
(is (every? qualified-keyword? (first rs)))
;; :FRUIT/ID should be first column
(is (= (column :FRUIT/ID) (ffirst rs)))
;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
(is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
(is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
(testing "execute! with adapter"
(let [rs (jdbc/execute! ; test again, with adapter and lower columns
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:builder-fn (rs/as-arrays-adapter
(fn [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(.getObject rs i)))})]
(is (every? vector? rs))
(is (= 5 (count rs)))
(is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
;; columns come first
(is (every? qualified-keyword? (first rs)))
;; :fruit/id should be first column
(is (= :fruit/id (ffirst rs)))
;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
(is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
(is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
(testing "execute! with unqualified"
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-maps})]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 4 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 4 ((column :ID) (last rs)))))
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-arrays})]
(is (every? vector? rs))
(is (= 5 (count rs)))
(is (every? #(= 5 (count %)) rs))
;; columns come first
(is (every? simple-keyword? (first rs)))
;; :ID should be first column
(is (= (column :ID) (ffirst rs)))
;; and all its corresponding values should be ints
(is (every? int? (map first (rest rs))))
(is (every? string? (map second (rest rs))))))
(testing "execute! with :max-rows / :maxRows"
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:max-rows 2})]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 2 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 2 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
(let [rs (jdbc/execute!
["select * from fruit order by id"]
{:statement {:maxRows 2}})]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 2 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 2 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))))
(testing "prepare"
;; default options do not flow over get-connection
(let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
ps (jdbc/prepare
["select * from fruit order by id"]
(jdbc/execute! ps))]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 4 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
;; default options do not flow over get-connection
(let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))
ps (jdbc/prepare
["select * from fruit where id = ?"]
(jdbc/execute! (prep/set-parameters ps [4]) nil {}))]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 1 (count rs)))
(is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))))
(testing "statement"
;; default options do not flow over get-connection
(let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(jdbc/execute! (prep/statement con (default-options))
["select * from fruit order by id"]))]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 4 (count rs)))
(is (= 1 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))
(is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (last rs)))))
;; default options do not flow over get-connection
(let [rs (with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(jdbc/execute! (prep/statement con (default-options))
["select * from fruit where id = 4"]))]
(is (every? map? rs))
(is (every? meta rs))
(is (= 1 (count rs)))
(is (= 4 ((column :FRUIT/ID) (first rs))))))
(testing "transact"
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/transact (ds)
(fn [t] (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
{:rollback-only true})))
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))))
(testing "with-transaction rollback-only"
(is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds) {:rollback-only true}]
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t con {:rollback-only true}]
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
(testing "with-transaction exception"
(is (thrown? Throwable
(jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
(jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(throw (ex-info "abort" {})))))
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
(is (thrown? Throwable
(jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
(jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(throw (ex-info "abort" {})))))
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
(testing "with-transaction call rollback"
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
(let [result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t)
;; still in a next.jdbc TX even tho' we rolled back!
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
(let [result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
(testing "with-transaction with unnamed save point"
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
(let [save-point (.setSavepoint t)
result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t save-point)
;; still in a next.jdbc TX even tho' we rolled back to a save point!
(is (jdbc/active-tx?) "should be in a transaction")
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (not (jdbc/active-tx?)) "should not be in a transaction")
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
(let [save-point (.setSavepoint t)
result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t save-point)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con))))))
(testing "with-transaction with named save point"
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t (ds)]
(let [save-point (.setSavepoint t (name (gensym)))
result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t save-point)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection (ds))]
(let [ac (.getAutoCommit con)]
(is (= [{:next.jdbc/update-count 1}]
(jdbc/with-transaction [t con]
(let [save-point (.setSavepoint t (name (gensym)))
result (jdbc/execute! t ["
INSERT INTO fruit (name, appearance, cost, grade)
VALUES ('Pear', 'green', 49, 47)
(.rollback t save-point)
(is (= 4 (count (jdbc/execute! con ["select * from fruit"]))))
(is (= ac (.getAutoCommit con)))))))
(deftest bool-tests
(doseq [[n b] [["zero" 0] ["one" 1] ["false" false] ["true" true]]
:let [v-bit (if (number? b) b (if b 1 0))
v-bool (if (number? b) (pos? b) b)]]
["insert into btest (name,is_it,twiddle) values (?,?,?)"
(if (postgres?)
(types/as-boolean b)
b) ; 0, 1, false, true are all acceptable
(cond (hsqldb?)
v-bool ; hsqldb requires a boolean here
(types/as-other v-bit) ; really postgres??
(let [data (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from btest"]
(if (sqlite?)
(is (every? number? (map (column :BTEST/IS_IT) data)))
(is (every? boolean? (map (column :BTEST/IS_IT) data))))
(if (or (sqlite?) (derby?))
(is (every? number? (map (column :BTEST/TWIDDLE) data)))
(is (every? boolean? (map (column :BTEST/TWIDDLE) data)))))
(let [data (jdbc/execute! (ds) ["select * from btest"]
(cond-> (default-options)
(assoc :builder-fn
(fn [builder ^ResultSet rs ^Integer i]
(let [rsm ^ResultSetMetaData (:rsmeta builder)]
;; we only use bit and bool for
;; sqlite (not boolean)
(if (#{"BIT" "BOOL"} (.getColumnTypeName rsm i))
(.getBoolean rs i)
(.getObject rs i))
(is (every? boolean? (map (column :BTEST/IS_IT) data)))
(if (derby?)
(is (every? number? (map (column :BTEST/TWIDDLE) data)))
(is (every? boolean? (map (column :BTEST/TWIDDLE) data)))))
(let [data (reduce (fn [acc row]
(conj acc (cond-> (select-keys row [:is_it :twiddle])
(update :is_it pos?)
(or (sqlite?) (derby?))
(update :twiddle pos?))))
(jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from btest"]))]
(is (every? boolean? (map :is_it data)))
(is (every? boolean? (map :twiddle data)))))
(deftest plan-misuse
(let [s (pr-str (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))]
(is (re-find #"missing reduction" s)))
(let [s (pr-str (into [] (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"])))]
(is (re-find #"missing `map` or `reduce`" s)))
;; this may succeed or not, depending on how the driver handles things
;; most drivers will error because the ResultSet was closed before pr-str
;; is invoked (which will attempt to print each row)
(let [s (pr-str (into [] (take 3) (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"]
(is (or (re-find #"missing `map` or `reduce`" s)
(re-find #"(?i)^\[#:fruit\{.*:id.*\}\]$" s))))
(is (every? #(re-find #"(?i)^#:fruit\{.*:id.*\}$" %)
(into [] (map str) (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"]
(is (every? #(re-find #"(?i)^#:fruit\{.*:id.*\}$" %)
(into [] (map pr-str) (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"]
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(doall (take 3 (jdbc/plan (ds) ["select * from fruit"]))))))
(ns transduce.reducers
"Provides reducers support for State Transducers"
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(:require-macros [transduce.macros :refer (defcurried)]))
(defcurried map-state
"Like map, but threads a state through the sequence of transformations.
For each x in coll, f is applied to [state x] and should return [state' x'].
The first invocation of f uses init as the state."
[f init coll]
(r/reducer coll
(fn [f1]
(let [state (atom init)]
(fn [acc x]
(let [[state* x*] (f @state x)]
(reset! state state*)
(f1 acc x*)))))))
(defcurried mapcat-state
"Like mapcat, but threads a state through the sequence of transformations.
For each x in coll, f is applied to [state x] and should return [state' xs].
The result is the concatenation of each returned xs."
[f init coll]
(r/reducer coll
(fn [f1]
(let [state (atom init)]
(fn [acc x]
(let [[state* xs] (f @state x)]
(reset! state state*)
(if (seq xs)
(reduce f1 acc xs)
(defcurried each
"Applies f to each item in coll, returns nil"
[f coll]
(reduce (fn [_ x] (f x) nil) nil coll))
(ns promise-stream.pstream-test
(:use-macros [promise-stream.macros :only [for-pstream]])
(:use [jayq.util :only [log]]
[promise-stream.pstream :only
[closed-pstream open-pstream append! close! reduce* map* mapd* concat*
with-open-pstream mapcat* count* resolves-within?
pairwise-traverse zip* promise fmap filter* rests* reductions* doall*
(:require [jayq.core :as jq]
[promise-stream.pcell :as pc]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]))
; append!
(let [[reader writer] (open-pstream)]
(jq/done (first reader) #(assert (= 1 %)))
(jq/done (first (rest reader)) #(assert (= 2 %)))
(jq/done (first (rest (rest reader))) #(assert (= 3 %)))
(jq/done (first (rest (rest (rest reader)))) #(assert (= 4 %)))
(reduce append! writer (map pc/deferred [1 2 3 4])))
(->> (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)
(reduce (pc/dapply +)))
#(assert (= 10 %)))
(->> (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)
(map* (comp pc/deferred inc))
(reduce (pc/dapply +)))
#(assert (= 14 %)))
; This is wrong. It should be 3 2 1 0 but there's a bug in count* atm.
(reduce (fmap conj) (promise [])
(map* count* (rests* (closed-pstream 1 2 3))))
#(assert (= [3 2 1 1] %)))
(->> (concat* (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4) (closed-pstream 5 6) (closed-pstream 7 8))
(map* (comp pc/deferred inc))
(reduce (pc/dapply +)))
#(assert (= 44 %)))
(->> (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)
(mapcat* #(closed-pstream (dec %) % (inc %)))
(reduce (pc/dapply +)))
#(assert (= 30 %)))
(reduce (fmap conj) (promise [])
(zip* (closed-pstream 1 2 3) (closed-pstream 4 5 6)))
#(assert (= '[(1 4) (2 5) (3 6)] %)))
(reduce (fmap conj) (promise [])
(filter* (comp promise odd?) (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)))
#(assert (= [1 3] %)))
(reduce (fmap conj) (promise [])
(reductions* (fmap +) (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)))
#(assert (= [3 6 10] %)))
; Reducers
; I think the only reason this is passing is because of nil + nil = 0 in cljs
(r/reduce (pc/dapply +) (closed-pstream))
#(assert (= 0 %)))
(r/reduce (pc/dapply +) (closed-pstream 1))
#(assert (= 1 %)))
(r/reduce (pc/dapply +) (pc/deferred 0) (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4))
#(assert (= 10 %)))
(r/reduce (pc/dapply +) (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4))
#(assert (= 10 %)))
(reduce (pc/dapply +)
(r/map (pc/dapply inc)
(r/map (pc/dapply inc)
(closed-pstream 1 2 3 4))))
#(assert (= 18 %)))
; Macros
(->> (for-pstream [n (closed-pstream 1 2 3 4)]
(inc n))
(reduce (pc/dapply +)))
#(assert (= 14 %)))