make-writer (clj)
(make-writer x opts)
Creates a BufferedWriter. See also IOFactory docs.
(ns upcloud.t_upload
(:require [ :as io])
(:use (midje sweet)
(upcloud upload))
(:import [ ByteArrayInputStream]))
(let [first-bytes (. "These are the first bytes..." getBytes)
more-bytes (. "and these are even more bytes!" getBytes)
writer-fn (make-writer-fn temp-dir upload-id notifier-fn file-size)]
(writer-fn first-bytes)
(writer-fn more-bytes)
(slurp temp-path) => "These are the first bytes...and these are even more bytes!")))
(fact "should notify about progress every time it writes a chunk"
(let [first-chunk (byte-array 1000)
file-size 1024
headers-size 100
file-plus-headers-size (+ file-size headers-size)
notifications (ref [])
notifier-fn (fn [upload-id current total] (dosync (alter notifications conj [upload-id current total])))]
(io/delete-file temp-path true)
(let [writer-fn (make-writer-fn temp-dir upload-id notifier-fn file-plus-headers-size)]
(await (writer-fn first-chunk))
@notifications => [[upload-id 1000 1124]])))
(fact "should notify about completion once no data is passed to it"
(let [file-plus-headers-size 1025
notifications (ref [])
notifier-fn (fn [upload-id current total] (dosync (alter notifications conj [upload-id current total])))]
(io/delete-file temp-path true)
(let [writer-fn (make-writer-fn temp-dir upload-id notifier-fn file-plus-headers-size)]