*print-miser-width* (clj)
The column at which to enter miser style. Depending on the dispatch table,
miser style add newlines in more places to try to keep lines short allowing for further
levels of nesting.
;; leave out of ns decl so we can load with
(require '[clojure.pprint :as p])
(require '[clojure.stacktrace :as s])
(letfn [(interrogate-form [list-head form]
`(let [display# (fn [val#]
(let [form# (with-out-str
(clojure.pprint/pprint '~form)))
val# (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint val#))]
(if (every? (partial > clojure.pprint/*print-miser-width*)
[(count form#) (count val#)])
(str (subs form# 0 (dec (count form#))) " is " val#)
(str form# "--------- is ---------\n" val#)))))]
(try (doto ~form display#)
(catch Throwable t#
(display# {:thrown t#
:trace (with-out-str
(clojure.stacktrace/print-cause-trace t#))})
(throw t#)))))]
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pretty])
(doc pretty/write) ; <1>
;; -------------------------
;; clojure.pprint/write
;; ([object & kw-args])
;; Write an object subject to the current bindings of the printer control variables.
;; Use the kw-args argument to override individual variables for this call (and any
;; recursive calls). Returns the string result if :stream is nil or nil otherwise.
;; The following keyword arguments can be passed with values:
;; Keyword Meaning Default value
;; :stream Writer for output or nil *out*
;; :base Base to use for writing rationals *print-base*
;; :length Maximum elements to show in sublists *print-length*
;; :level Maximum depth *print-level*
;; :miser-width Width to enter miser mode *print-miser-width* ; <2>
;; :dispatch The pretty print dispatch function *print-pprint-dispatch*
;; :pretty If true, do pretty printing *print-pretty*
;; :radix If true, prepend a radix specifier *print-radix*
;; :right-margin The column for the right margin *print-right-margin*
;; :suppress-namespaces If true, no namespaces in symbols *print-suppress-namespaces*
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pprint])
pprint/*print-miser-width* ; <1>
;; 40