
type-reflect (clj)



(type-reflect typeref & options)
Alpha - subject to change. Reflect on a typeref, returning a map with :bases, :flags, and :members. In the discussion below, names are always Clojure symbols. :bases a set of names of the type's bases :flags a set of keywords naming the boolean attributes of the type. :members a set of the type's members. Each member is a map and can be a constructor, method, or field. Keys common to all members: :name name of the type :declaring-class name of the declarer :flags keyword naming boolean attributes of the member Keys specific to constructors: :parameter-types vector of parameter type names :exception-types vector of exception type names Key specific to methods: :parameter-types vector of parameter type names :exception-types vector of exception type names :return-type return type name Keys specific to fields: :type type name Options: :ancestors in addition to the keys described above, also include an :ancestors key with the entire set of ancestors, and add all ancestor members to :members. :reflector implementation to use. Defaults to JavaReflector, AsmReflector is also an option.
