
find-migrations (clj)



(find-migrations dir exclude-scripts properties)


(ns migratus.test.migrations
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
    [migratus.migration.sql :as sql-mig]
    [migratus.migrations :as sut]
    [ :as props]
    [migratus.utils :as utils]))

(deftest test-find-migrations
  (let [create-migrations {"20111202113000"
                             {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar(id BIGINT);\n"
                              :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar;\n"}}}
                             {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(id bigint);\n"
                              :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo;\n"}}}}
        migrations (assoc create-migrations "20120827170200"
                                              {:up   multi-stmt-up
                                               :down multi-stmt-down}}})]
    (is (= migrations (sut/find-migrations "migrations" ["init.sql"] nil))
        "single migrations dir")
    (is (= create-migrations (sut/find-migrations "migrations" ["init.sql" "*-multiple-*"] nil))
        "single migrations dir with glob exclusions"))
  (is (= {"20220604110500"
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo1;"
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo1(id bigint);"}}}
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar1;"
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar1(id BIGINT);"}}}
            {:up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar2(id BIGINT);"
             :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar2;"}}}
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo2;",
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo2(id bigint);"}}}}
         (sut/find-migrations ["migrations1" "migrations2"] [] nil))
    "multiple migrations dirs")
  (is (= {"20111202110600" {"create-foo-table" {:sql {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(id bigint);\n",
                                                      :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS;\n"}},
                            "create-schema"    {:sql {:up "CREATE SCHEMA TEST_SCHEMA\n"}}}}
         (sut/find-migrations "migrations-with-props" [] {"${migratus.schema}" "TEST_SCHEMA"}))))
(ns migratus.test.migrations
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
    [migratus.migration.sql :as sql-mig]
    [migratus.migrations :as sut]
    [ :as props]
    [migratus.utils :as utils]))

(deftest test-find-migrations
  (let [create-migrations {"20111202113000"
                             {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar(id BIGINT);\n"
                              :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar;\n"}}}
                             {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(id bigint);\n"
                              :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo;\n"}}}}
        migrations (assoc create-migrations "20120827170200"
                                              {:up   multi-stmt-up
                                               :down multi-stmt-down}}})]
    (is (= migrations (sut/find-migrations "migrations" ["init.sql"] nil))
        "single migrations dir")
    (is (= create-migrations (sut/find-migrations "migrations" ["init.sql" "*-multiple-*"] nil))
        "single migrations dir with glob exclusions"))
  (is (= {"20220604110500"
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo1;"
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo1(id bigint);"}}}
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar1;"
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar1(id BIGINT);"}}}
            {:up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bar2(id BIGINT);"
             :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bar2;"}}}
            {:down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo2;",
             :up "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo2(id bigint);"}}}}
         (sut/find-migrations ["migrations1" "migrations2"] [] nil))
    "multiple migrations dirs")
  (is (= {"20111202110600" {"create-foo-table" {:sql {:up   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(id bigint);\n",
                                                      :down "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS;\n"}},
                            "create-schema"    {:sql {:up "CREATE SCHEMA TEST_SCHEMA\n"}}}}
         (sut/find-migrations "migrations-with-props" [] {"${migratus.schema}" "TEST_SCHEMA"}))))