format-interceptor (clj)
(format-interceptor default-muuntaja)
Interceptor for content-negotiation, request and response formatting.
Negotiates a request body based on `Content-Type` header and response body based on
`Accept`, `Accept-Charset` headers. Publishes the negotiation results as `:muuntaja/request`
and `:muuntaja/response` keys into the request.
Decodes the request body into `:body-params` using the `:muuntaja/request` key in request
if the `:body-params` doesn't already exist.
Encodes the response body using the `:muuntaja/response` key in request if the response
doesn't have `Content-Type` header already set.
Swagger-data will be omitted when `:form`, but no `:body`, parameters are defined.
Optionally takes a default muuntaja instance as argument.
| key | description |
| -------------|-------------|
| `:muuntaja` | `muuntaja.core/Muuntaja` instance, does not mount if not set.