
wrap-cookies (clj)



(wrap-cookies handler) (wrap-cookies handler options)
Parses the cookies in the request map, then assocs the resulting map to the :cookies key on the request. Accepts the following options: :decoder - a function to decode the cookie value. Expects a function that takes a string and returns a string. Defaults to URL-decoding. :encoder - a function to encode the cookie name and value. Expects a function that takes a name/value map and returns a string. Defaults to URL-encoding. Each cookie is represented as a map, with its value being held in the :value key. A cookie may optionally contain a :path, :domain or :port attribute. To set cookies, add a map to the :cookies key on the response. The values of the cookie map can either be strings, or maps containing the following keys: :value - the new value of the cookie :path - the subpath the cookie is valid for :domain - the domain the cookie is valid for :max-age - the maximum age in seconds of the cookie :expires - a date string at which the cookie will expire :secure - set to true if the cookie requires HTTPS, prevent HTTP access :http-only - set to true if the cookie is valid for HTTP and HTTPS only (ie. prevent JavaScript access) :same-site - set to :strict or :lax to set SameSite attribute of the cookie
