
wrap-session (clj)



(wrap-session handler) (wrap-session handler options)
Reads in the current HTTP session map, and adds it to the :session key on the request. If a :session key is added to the response by the handler, the session is updated with the new value. If the value is nil, the session is deleted. Accepts the following options: :store - An implementation of the SessionStore protocol in the namespace. This determines how the session is stored. Defaults to in-memory storage using :root - The root path of the session. Any path above this will not be able to see this session. Equivalent to setting the cookie's path attribute. Defaults to "/". :cookie-name - The name of the cookie that holds the session key. Defaults to "ring-session". :cookie-attrs - A map of attributes to associate with the session cookie. Defaults to {:http-only true}. This may be overridden on a per-response basis by adding :session-cookie-attrs to the response. :set-cookies? - If true, automatically include cookie middleware. Defaults to true for backward compatibility.
