

For more info about this library see:

Public Variable Short Description
*clock* (clj)
*time-literals-printing* (clj) If true, include the time-literals printer, which will affect the way java.time and js-joda objects are printed.
+ (clj) Sum amounts of time.
- (clj) Subtract amounts of time.
->AtomicClock (clj)
->FieldsLookup (clj)
< (clj) Same as clojure.core/<, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
<< (clj) shift Temporal backward.
<= (clj) Same as clojure.core/<=, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
= (clj) Same as clojure.core/=, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
> (clj) Same as clojure.core/>, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
>= (clj) Same as clojure.core/>=, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
>> (clj) shift Temporal forward.
APRIL (clj)
AUGUST (clj)
AtomicClock (clj)
FRIDAY (clj)
FieldsLookup (clj)
JULY (clj)
JUNE (clj)
MARCH (clj)
MAY (clj)
MONDAY (clj)
SUNDAY (clj)
UTC (clj)
ago (clj) current instant shifted back by duration 'dur'.
at (clj) Set date to be AT a time.
atom (clj) construct atomic clock.
backward-compatible-time-span-extensions (clj) pre v0.7, ITimeSpan was extended as per this body.
beginning (clj) the beginning of the range of ITimeSpan v or v.
between (clj) for the 2-arity version, find the temporal-amount between v1 and v2, or for the 3-arity version the amount of 'unit' between v1 and v2.
clock (clj) return i as a clock.
clock? (clj) true if v is a clock?.
coincident? (clj) for the 2-arity ver, Does containing-interval wholly contain the given contained-interval? for the 3-arity, does the event lie within the span of time described by start and end.
compare-and-set! (clj) cas on atomic clock 'at'.
current-clock (clj)
current-zone (clj) Return the current zone, which can be overridden by the *clock* dynamic var.
date (clj)
date-time (clj)
date-time? (clj) true if v is a date-time?.
date? (clj) true if v is a date?.
day-of-month (clj) extract day-of-month from v.
day-of-week (clj) extract day-of-week from v.
day-of-week-in-month (clj)
day-of-week? (clj) true if v is a day-of-week?.
days (clj) extract days from 'v'.
dec (clj)
divide (clj) divide TemporalAmount t by divisor, which is a unit e.g.
duration (clj) return Duration or Period (whichever appropriate based on type) contained within the range of ITimeSpan x.
duration? (clj) true if v is a duration?.
end (clj) the end of the range of ITimeSpan v or v.
epoch (clj) Constant for the 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z epoch instant.
field-map (clj) keyword to chrono-field.
fields (clj)
first-day-of-month (clj)
first-day-of-next-month (clj)
first-day-of-next-year (clj)
first-day-of-year (clj)
first-in-month (clj)
format (clj) Formats the given time entity as a string.
formatter (clj) Constructs a DateTimeFormatter out of either a * format string - "YYYY/mm/DD" "YYY HH:MM" etc.
greater (clj) the greater of x and y.
hence (clj) current instant shifted forward by duration 'dur'.
hour (clj) extract hour from t.
hours (clj) extract hours from 'v'.
in (clj) Set a date-time to be in a time-zone.
inc (clj)
inst (clj)
instant (clj)
instant? (clj) true if v is a instant?.
int (clj)
interval? (clj) true if v is a interval?.
last-day-of-month (clj)
last-day-of-year (clj)
last-in-month (clj)
lesser (clj) the lesser of x and y.
long (clj)
map->AtomicClock (clj)
max (clj) Find the latest of the given arguments.
max-key (clj) Same as clojure.core/max-key, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
max-of-type (clj) return e.g Instant/MAX given and Instant.
micros (clj) extract micros from 'v'.
microsecond (clj) extract microsecond from t.
midnight (clj)
midnight? (clj)
millis (clj) extract millis from 'v'.
millisecond (clj) extract millisecond from t.
min (clj) Find the earliest of the given arguments.
min-key (clj) Same as clojure.core/min-key, but works on dates, rather than numbers.
min-of-type (clj) return e.g Instant/MIN given and Instant.
minute (clj) extract minute from t.
minutes (clj) extract minutes from 'v'.
modify-printing-of-time-literals-if-enabled! (clj)
month (clj) extract month from v.
month? (clj) true if v is a month?.
months (clj) extract months from 'v'.
nanos (clj) extract nanos from 'v'.
nanosecond (clj) extract nanosecond from t.
negated (clj) Return the duration as a negative duration.
new-date (clj)
new-duration (clj)
new-period (clj)
new-time (clj)
new-year-month (clj)
next (clj)
next-or-same (clj)
noon (clj)
now (clj) same as (t/instant).
of-days (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a period of n days.
of-hours (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n hours.
of-micros (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n micros.
of-millis (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n micros.
of-minutes (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n minutes.
of-months (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a period of n months.
of-nanos (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n nanoseconds.
of-seconds (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a duration of n seconds.
of-years (clj) Takes a java.lang.Long n and returns a period of n years.
offset-by (clj) Set a date-time to be offset by an amount.
offset-date-time (clj)
offset-date-time? (clj) true if v is a offset-date-time?.
on (clj) Set time be ON a date.
parse-date (clj) to parse an iso-formatted date, use (t/date "2020..") instead.
parse-date-time (clj) to parse an iso-formatted date-time, use (t/date-time "2020..") instead.
parse-day (clj) en locale specific and borderline deprecated.
parse-month (clj) en locale specific and borderline deprecated.
parse-offset-date-time (clj) to parse an iso-formatted offset-date-time, use (t/offset-date-time "2020..") instead.
parse-time (clj) to parse an iso-formatted time, use (t/time "20:20..") instead.
parse-year (clj) to parse an iso-formatted year, use (t/year "2020") instead.
parse-year-month (clj) to parse an iso-formatted year-month, use (t/year-month "2020..") instead.
parse-zoned-date-time (clj) to parse an iso-formatted zoned-date-time, use (t/zoned-date-time "2020..") instead.
period? (clj) true if v is a period?.
predefined-formatters (clj)
previous (clj)
previous-or-same (clj)
range (clj) Returns a lazy seq of times from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive, nil means forever), by step, where start defaults to 0, step to 1, and end to infinity.
reset! (clj) reset! on atomic clock 'at'.
reset-vals! (clj) reset-vals! on atomic clock 'at'.
reverse-unit-map (clj)
second (clj) extract second from t.
seconds (clj) extract seconds from 'v'.
swap! (clj) swap! on atomic clock 'at'.
swap-vals! (clj) swap-vals! on atomic clock 'at'.
tick-resolution (clj) Obtains a clock that returns instants from the specified clock truncated to the nearest occurrence of the specified duration.
time (clj) extract time from v.
time? (clj) true if v is a time?.
today (clj) same as (t/date).
tomorrow (clj)
truncate (clj) Returns a copy of x truncated to the specified unit.
unit-map (clj) keyword to chrono-unit.
units (clj) the units contained within TemporalAmount x.
with (clj) Adjust a temporal with an adjuster or field.
with-clock (clj) temporarily change ambient now+zone info the given 'clock' could be an Instant, zone or zoned-date-time.
year (clj) extract year from v.
year-month (clj) extract year-month from v.
year-month? (clj) true if v is a year-month?.
year? (clj) true if v is a year?.
years (clj) extract years from 'v'.
yesterday (clj)
zone (clj)
zone-offset (clj)
zone-offset? (clj) true if v is a zone-offset?.
zone? (clj) true if v is a zone?.
zoned-date-time (clj)
zoned-date-time? (clj) true if v is a zoned-date-time?.