with-clock (clj)
(with-clock clock & body)
temporarily change ambient now+zone info
the given 'clock' could be an Instant, zone or zoned-date-time
(ns tick.api-test
:refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
:refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
[tick.core :as t]
[tick.protocols :as p]
#?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant]]]))
(:import [java.time Instant])))
(deftest date-construction-test
(is (= (t/date "2018-01-11")
(t/date (t/instant 1515691416624))))
(is (t/date-time? (t/noon (t/today))))
(t/with-clock (-> (t/date "2018-02-14") (t/at "10:00"))
(testing "(noon (today))"
(is (= "2018-02-14T12:00" (str (t/noon (t/today))))))
(testing "(noon (date))"
(is (= "2018-02-14T12:00" (str (t/noon (t/date))))))))
(deftest clock-test
(testing "clock"
(t/with-clock (-> (t/date "2018-02-14") (t/at "10:00") (t/in "America/New_York"))
(testing "(clock) return type"
(is (t/clock? (t/clock))))
(testing "Time shifting the clock back by 2 hours"
(is (= "2018-02-14T13:00:00Z" (str (t/instant (t/<< (t/clock) (t/new-duration 2 :hours)))))))
(testing "with instant"
(is (= (t/zone (t/clock (t/instant)))
(t/zone "America/New_York"))))))
(testing "Converting using with-clock"
(t/with-clock (t/clock (t/zone "America/New_York"))
(testing "inst to zoned-date-time"
(is (t/= (t/zoned-date-time "2019-08-07T16:00Z")
(t/zoned-date-time "2019-08-07T12:00-04:00[America/New_York]"))))
(testing "date-time to zoned-date-time"
(is (t/= (t/zoned-date-time (t/date-time "2019-08-07T12:00"))
(t/zoned-date-time "2019-08-07T12:00-04:00[America/New_York]"))))
(testing "date-time to offset-date-time"
(is (t/= (t/offset-date-time (t/date-time "2019-08-07T12:00"))
(t/offset-date-time "2019-08-07T12:00-04:00"))))))
;; Point-in-time tests
(deftest today-test
(t/with-clock ( (t/instant "2017-08-08T12:00:00Z") t/UTC)
(is (= (t/instant "2017-08-08T12:00:00Z") (t/now)))
(is (= (t/date "2017-08-08") (t/today)))
(is (= (t/date "2017-08-07") (t/yesterday)))
(is (= (t/date "2017-08-09") (t/tomorrow)))
(is (= 8 (t/day-of-month (t/today))))
(is (= 2017 (t/int (t/year))))
(is (= (t/date-time "2017-08-08T12:00:00") (t/noon (t/today))))
(is (= (t/date-time "2017-08-08T00:00:00") (t/midnight (t/today))))))
(ns tick.alpha.interval-test
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[tick.core :as t]
[tick.protocols :as p]
:refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
:refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
[tick.alpha.interval :as ti]
#?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant LocalDateTime LocalTime]]]))
(:import [java.time LocalDateTime Instant LocalTime])))
(deftest group-by-intervals-test
(testing "p and s"
(t/with-clock t/UTC
{(t/year 2017) [(ti/new-interval
(t/date-time "2017-12-20T00:00")
(t/date-time "2018-01-01T00:00"))]
(t/year 2018) [(ti/new-interval
(t/date-time "2018-01-01T00:00")
(t/date-time "2018-01-10T00:00"))]}
(ti/divide (ti/bounds (t/year 2016) (t/year 2019)) t/year)
[(ti/new-interval (t/date-time "2017-12-20T00:00")
(t/date-time "2018-01-10T00:00"))])))))
(deftest am-test
(t/with-clock ( (t/instant "2017-08-08T12:00:00Z") t/UTC)
(is (= (ti/new-interval (t/date-time "2017-08-08T00:00:00")
(t/date-time "2017-08-08T12:00:00"))
(ti/am (t/today))))
(is (= (ti/new-interval (t/date-time "2017-08-08T12:00:00")
(t/date-time "2017-08-09T00:00:00"))
(ti/pm (t/today))))))