new-period (clj)
(new-period n u)
(ns tick.api-test
:refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
:refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
[tick.core :as t]
[tick.protocols :as p]
#?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant]]]))
(:import [java.time Instant])))
(let [now (t/instant)
from (t/<< now (t/new-duration 10 :seconds))
to (t/>> now (t/new-duration 10 :seconds))]
(is (= (t/new-duration 20 :seconds) (t/between from to) ))
(is (= 20 (t/between from to :seconds))))
(= (t/new-duration 48 :hours)
(t/between (t/beginning (t/today)) (t/end (t/tomorrow)))))
(let [start (t/date-time "2020-01-01T12:00")
end (t/date-time "2020-01-01T12:02")]
(t/new-duration 2 :minutes)
(t/between start end))
(= 2 (t/between start end :minutes))))
(t/new-duration 30 :minutes)
(t/between (t/new-time 11 0 0) (t/new-time 11 30 0))))
(testing "LocalDate"
(let [start (t/date "2020-01-01")
end (t/date "2020-01-02")]
(is (= (t/new-period 1 :days)
(t/between start end)))
(is (= 1 (t/between start end :days))))))
(deftest units-test
(is (=
{:seconds 0, :nanos 1}
(t/units (t/new-duration 1 :nanos))))
{:years 10, :months 0, :days 0}
(t/units (t/new-period 10 :years)))))
;; Periods. Convenience functions to create periods of specific
;; units.
(deftest period-functions-test
(is (= (t/of-days 10) (t/new-period 10 :days)))
(is (= (t/of-months 10) (t/new-period 10 :months)))
(is (= (t/of-years 10) (t/new-period 10 :years))))
(deftest predicates-test
(is (true? (t/clock? (t/clock))))
(is (true? (t/day-of-week? t/MONDAY)))
(is (true? (t/duration? (t/new-duration 1 :minutes))))
(is (true? (t/instant? (t/instant))))
(is (true? (t/date? (t/today))))
(is (true? (t/date-time? (t/at (t/today) (t/new-time 0 0)))))
(is (true? (t/time? (t/new-time 0 0))))
(is (true? (t/month? t/MAY)))
(is (true? (t/offset-date-time? (t/offset-date-time))))
(is (true? (t/period? (t/new-period 1 :weeks))))
(is (true? (t/year? (t/year))))
(is (true? (t/year-month? (t/year-month))))
(is (true? (t/zone? (t/zone))))
(is (true? (t/zone-offset? (t/zone-offset (t/zoned-date-time)))))
(is (true? (t/zoned-date-time? (t/zoned-date-time))))
(is (false? (t/date? 16)))
(is (false? (t/month? 16))))