(source)For more info about this library see:
https://juxt.github.io/tick/Public Variable | Short Description |
+ (clj) | Sum amounts of time. |
- (clj) | Subtract from amount of time, or negate. |
< (clj) | Is x before y?. |
<= (clj) | Is x before or at the same time as y?. |
= (clj) | Is x the same point on the timeline as y?. |
> (clj) | Is x after y?. |
>= (clj) | Is x after or at the same time as y?. |
IBetween (clj) | |
IClock (clj) | |
IConversion (clj) | |
IDivisible (clj) | |
IDivisibleDuration (clj) | |
IExtraction (clj) | |
ILocalTime (clj) | |
IParseable (clj) | |
ITimeArithmetic (clj) | |
ITimeComparison (clj) | |
ITimeLength (clj) | |
ITimeRangeable (clj) | |
ITimeReify (clj) | |
ITimeShift (clj) | |
ITimeSpan (clj) | |
ITruncate (clj) | |
MinMax (clj) | |
at (clj) | Set date to be AT a time. |
backward-duration (clj) | Decrement time. |
backward-number (clj) | Decrement time. |
beginning (clj) | Return the beginning of a span of time. |
between (clj) | Return the duration (or period) between two times. |
clock (clj) | Make a clock. |
date (clj) | Make a java.time.LocalDate instance. |
date-time (clj) | Make a java.time.LocalDateTime instance. |
day-of-month (clj) | Return value of the day in the month as an integer. |
day-of-week (clj) | Make a java.time.DayOfWeek instance. |
days (clj) | Return the given quantity in days. |
divide (clj) | Divide time. |
divide-duration (clj) | Divide a duration. |
end (clj) | Return the end of a span of time. |
forward-duration (clj) | Increment time. |
forward-number (clj) | Increment time. |
hour (clj) | Return the hour field of the given time. |
hours (clj) | Return the given quantity in hours. |
in (clj) | Set a date-time to be in a time-zone. |
inst (clj) | Make a java.util.Date or js/Date instance. |
instant (clj) | Make a java.time.Instant instance. |
int (clj) | Return value as integer. |
local? (clj) | Is the time a java.time.LocalTime or java.time.LocalDateTime?. |
long (clj) | Return value as long. |
max-of-type (clj) | Return the max. |
micros (clj) | Return the given quantity in microseconds. |
microsecond (clj) | Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
millis (clj) | Return the given quantity in milliseconds. |
millisecond (clj) | Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
min-of-type (clj) | Return the min. |
minute (clj) | Return the minute field of the given time. |
minutes (clj) | Return the given quantity in minutes. |
month (clj) | Make a java.time.Month instance. |
months (clj) | Return the given quantity in months. |
nanos (clj) | Return the given quantity in nanoseconds. |
nanosecond (clj) | Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
offset-by (clj) | Set a date-time to be offset by an amount. |
offset-date-time (clj) | Make a java.time.OffsetDateTime instance. |
on (clj) | Set time be ON a date. |
parse (clj) | Parse is not in the main api because it is slow and may give surprising behaviour. |
range (clj) | Returns a lazy seq of times from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive, nil means forever), by step, where start defaults to 0, step to 1, and end to infinity. |
second (clj) | Return the second field of the given time. |
seconds (clj) | Return the given quantity in seconds. |
time (clj) | Make a java.time.LocalTime instance. |
truncate (clj) | |
year (clj) | Make a java.time.Year instance. |
year-month (clj) | Make a java.time.YearMonth instance. |
years (clj) | Return the given quantity in years. |
zone (clj) | Make a java.time.ZoneId instance. |
zone-offset (clj) | Make a java.time.ZoneOffset instance. |
zoned-date-time (clj) | Make a java.time.ZonedDateTime instance. |