Public Variable |
Short Description |
+ (clj)
Sum amounts of time. |
- (clj)
Subtract from amount of time, or negate. |
< (clj)
Is x before y?. |
<= (clj)
Is x before or at the same time as y?. |
= (clj)
Is x the same point on the timeline as y?. |
> (clj)
Is x after y?. |
>= (clj)
Is x after or at the same time as y?. |
IBetween (clj)
IClock (clj)
IConversion (clj)
IDivisible (clj)
IDivisibleDuration (clj)
IExtraction (clj)
ILocalTime (clj)
IParseable (clj)
ITimeArithmetic (clj)
ITimeComparison (clj)
ITimeLength (clj)
ITimeRangeable (clj)
ITimeReify (clj)
ITimeShift (clj)
ITimeSpan (clj)
ITruncate (clj)
MinMax (clj)
at (clj)
Set date to be AT a time. |
backward-duration (clj)
Decrement time. |
backward-number (clj)
Decrement time. |
beginning (clj)
Return the beginning of a span of time. |
between (clj)
Return the duration (or period) between two times. |
clock (clj)
Make a clock. |
date (clj)
Make a java.time.LocalDate instance. |
date-time (clj)
Make a java.time.LocalDateTime instance. |
day-of-month (clj)
Return value of the day in the month as an integer. |
day-of-week (clj)
Make a java.time.DayOfWeek instance. |
days (clj)
Return the given quantity in days. |
divide (clj)
Divide time. |
divide-duration (clj)
Divide a duration. |
end (clj)
Return the end of a span of time. |
forward-duration (clj)
Increment time. |
forward-number (clj)
Increment time. |
hour (clj)
Return the hour field of the given time. |
hours (clj)
Return the given quantity in hours. |
in (clj)
Set a date-time to be in a time-zone. |
inst (clj)
Make a java.util.Date or js/Date instance. |
instant (clj)
Make a java.time.Instant instance. |
int (clj)
Return value as integer. |
local? (clj)
Is the time a java.time.LocalTime or java.time.LocalDateTime?. |
long (clj)
Return value as long. |
max-of-type (clj)
Return the max. |
micros (clj)
Return the given quantity in microseconds. |
microsecond (clj)
Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
millis (clj)
Return the given quantity in milliseconds. |
millisecond (clj)
Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
min-of-type (clj)
Return the min. |
minute (clj)
Return the minute field of the given time. |
minutes (clj)
Return the given quantity in minutes. |
month (clj)
Make a java.time.Month instance. |
months (clj)
Return the given quantity in months. |
nanos (clj)
Return the given quantity in nanoseconds. |
nanosecond (clj)
Return the millisecond field of the given time. |
offset-by (clj)
Set a date-time to be offset by an amount. |
offset-date-time (clj)
Make a java.time.OffsetDateTime instance. |
on (clj)
Set time be ON a date. |
parse (clj)
Parse is not in the main api because it is slow and may give surprising behaviour. |
range (clj)
Returns a lazy seq of times from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive, nil means forever), by step, where start defaults to 0, step to 1, and end to infinity. |
second (clj)
Return the second field of the given time. |
seconds (clj)
Return the given quantity in seconds. |
time (clj)
Make a java.time.LocalTime instance. |
truncate (clj)
year (clj)
Make a java.time.Year instance. |
year-month (clj)
Make a java.time.YearMonth instance. |
years (clj)
Return the given quantity in years. |
zone (clj)
Make a java.time.ZoneId instance. |
zone-offset (clj)
Make a java.time.ZoneOffset instance. |
zoned-date-time (clj)
Make a java.time.ZonedDateTime instance. |