
hours (clj)



(hours _)
Return the given quantity in hours.


(ns tick.api-test
     :refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
     :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
    [tick.core :as t]
    [tick.protocols :as p]
    #?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant]]]))
     (:import [java.time Instant])))

(deftest clock-test
  (testing "clock"
    (t/with-clock (-> (t/date "2018-02-14") (t/at "10:00") (t/in "America/New_York"))
      (testing "(clock) return type"
        (is (t/clock? (t/clock))))
      (testing "Time shifting the clock back by 2 hours"
        (is (= "2018-02-14T13:00:00Z" (str (t/instant (t/<< (t/clock) (t/new-duration 2 :hours)))))))
      (testing "with instant"
        (is (= (t/zone (t/clock (t/instant)))
              (t/zone "America/New_York"))))))

  (let [now (t/instant)
        from (t/<< now (t/new-duration 10 :seconds))
        to (t/>> now (t/new-duration 10 :seconds))]
    (is (= (t/new-duration 20 :seconds) (t/between from to) ))
    (is (= 20 (t/between from to :seconds))))
    (= (t/new-duration 48 :hours)
      (t/between (t/beginning (t/today)) (t/end (t/tomorrow)))))
  (let [start (t/date-time "2020-01-01T12:00") 
        end (t/date-time "2020-01-01T12:02")]
        (t/new-duration 2 :minutes)
        (t/between start end))
      (= 2 (t/between start end :minutes))))
      (t/new-duration 30 :minutes)
      (t/between (t/new-time 11 0 0) (t/new-time 11 30 0))))
  (testing "LocalDate"
    (let [start (t/date "2020-01-01")
          end (t/date "2020-01-02")]
      (is (= (t/new-period 1 :days)
            (t/between start end)))
      (is (= 1 (t/between start end :days))))))

(deftest truncate-test
  (let [dates [(t/instant) (t/zoned-date-time) (t/date-time)
               (t/offset-date-time) (t/time)]
        truncate-tos [:nanos
                     :days     ]]
    (doseq [date dates
            truncate-to truncate-tos]
      (is (t/truncate date truncate-to)))))

(deftest coincidence-test
  (let [int-beginning (t/instant "2020-02-02T00:00:00Z")
        int-end (t/>> int-beginning (t/of-hours 2))
        interval {:tick/beginning int-beginning
                  :tick/end       int-end}]
    (is (t/coincident? interval (t/>> int-beginning (t/of-hours 1))))
    (is (not (t/coincident? interval (t/<< int-beginning (t/of-hours 1)))))
    (is (t/coincident? interval int-beginning))
    (is (t/coincident? interval int-end))
    (is (t/coincident? interval interval))
    (is (not (t/coincident? interval (-> interval
                                         (update :tick/end #(t/>> % (t/of-nanos 1))))))))
  (testing "non-interval coincidence"
    (doseq [[start-f new-amount] [[t/date t/of-days] [t/date-time t/of-hours]]]
      (let [start (start-f)
            end (t/>> start (new-amount 2))]
        (is (t/coincident? start end (t/>> start (new-amount 1))))
        (is (not (t/coincident? start end (t/<< start (new-amount 1)))))
        (is (t/coincident? start end start))
        (is (t/coincident? start end end))))))

  (is (= (t/of-hours 24) (t/duration (t/date))))
  (is (= (t/of-days 1) (t/duration {:tick/beginning (t/date)
                                    :tick/end       (t/inc (t/date))}))))

;; Durations. Convenience functions to create durations of specific
;; units.
(deftest duration-functions-test
  (is (= (t/of-nanos 10) (t/new-duration 10 :nanos)))
  (is (= (t/of-micros 10) (t/new-duration 10 :micros))) ;java.time.Duration doesn't have ofMicros method
  (is (= (t/of-millis 10) (t/new-duration 10 :millis)))
  (is (= (t/of-seconds 10) (t/new-duration 10 :seconds)))
  (is (= (t/of-minutes 10) (t/new-duration 10 :minutes)))
  (is (= (t/of-hours 10) (t/new-duration 10 :hours))))

(deftest divide-test
    ;; Duration -> Long -> Duration
    (= (t/new-duration 6 :hours) (t/divide (t/new-duration 6 :days) 24))
    ;; Duration -> Duration -> Long
    (= 63 (t/divide (t/new-duration 21 :days) (t/new-duration 8 :hours)))))
(ns tick.alpha.interval-test
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [tick.core :as t]
   [tick.protocols :as p]
    :refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
    :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
   [tick.alpha.interval :as ti]
   #?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant LocalDateTime LocalTime]]]))
     (:import [java.time LocalDateTime Instant LocalTime])))

(deftest division-test2
  (is (= 365 (count (ti/divide-by t/date (t/year 2017)))))
  (is (= 12 (count (ti/divide-by t/year-month (t/year 2017)))))
  (is (= 30 (count (ti/divide-by t/date (t/year-month "2017-09")))))
  (is (= (t/date "2017-09-01") (first (ti/divide-by t/date (t/year-month "2017-09")))))
  (is (= (t/date "2017-09-30") (last (ti/divide-by t/date (t/year-month "2017-09")))))
  (is (= 31 (count (ti/divide-by t/date (t/year-month "2017-10")))))
  (is (= 8 (count (ti/divide-by t/date (ti/bounds (t/date "2017-10-03") (t/date "2017-10-10"))))))
  (is (= [(t/date "2017-09-10")] (ti/divide-by t/date (ti/bounds (t/date-time "2017-09-10T12:00")
                                                        (t/date-time "2017-09-10T14:00")))))
  (is (= [(t/date "2017-09-10") (t/date "2017-09-11")] (ti/divide-by t/date (ti/bounds (t/date-time "2017-09-10T12:00") (t/date-time "2017-09-11T14:00")))))
  (is (= 2 (count (ti/divide-by t/year-month (ti/bounds (t/date "2017-09-10") (t/date "2017-10-10"))))))
  (is (= 3 (count (ti/divide-by t/year (ti/bounds (t/date-time "2017-09-10T12:00") (t/year "2019"))))))
  (is (= 3 (count (ti/divide-by t/year (ti/bounds (t/date-time "2017-09-10T12:00") (t/year-month "2019-02"))))))
  (is (= 24 (count (ti/divide-by (t/new-duration 1 :hours) (t/date "2017-09-10"))))))

(deftest concur-test2
    (= 2
          (ti/concur (ti/new-interval (t/at (t/today) "16:00")
                      (t/end (t/today)))
            (ti/new-interval (t/at (t/today) "20:00")
              (t/at (t/today) "22:00"))))))))