
millis (clj)



(millis _)
Return the given quantity in milliseconds.


(ns tick.api-test
     :refer [deftest is testing run-tests]
     :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]
    [tick.core :as t]
    [tick.protocols :as p]
    #?@(:cljs [[java.time :refer [Instant]]]))
     (:import [java.time Instant])))

(deftest constructor-test
  (is (t/year? (t/year 2017)))
  (is (= 2017 ( (t/year 2017))))
  (is (t/month? (t/month 12)))
  (is (= t/DECEMBER (t/month 12)))
  (is (= (t/new-date 3030 3 3)
         (t/date "3030-03-03")))
  (is (-> (t/new-duration 1000 :millis)
          (= 1000)))
  (is (= (t/new-year-month 2020 7)
         (t/year-month  "2020-07"))))

(deftest truncate-test
  (let [dates [(t/instant) (t/zoned-date-time) (t/date-time)
               (t/offset-date-time) (t/time)]
        truncate-tos [:nanos
                     :days     ]]
    (doseq [date dates
            truncate-to truncate-tos]
      (is (t/truncate date truncate-to)))))

(deftest comparison-test
  (let [point (t/truncate (t/instant) :millis)
        later (t/>> point (t/new-duration 1 :millis))]
    (testing "shifting inst"
      (let [i (t/inst)]
        (is (= i (-> i
                     (t/>> (t/new-duration 10 :seconds))
                     (t/<< (t/new-duration 10 :seconds)))))))
    (testing "max-min"
      (is (= later (t/max point later point later)))
      (is (= point (t/min point later point later))))
    (testing "max-min key"
      (is (= {:foo later} (t/max-key :foo {:foo point} {:foo later} {:foo point} {:foo later})))
      (is (= {:foo point} (t/min-key :foo {:foo point} {:foo later} {:foo point} {:foo later}))))
    (testing "comparables not="
      (doseq [point (point-in-time-comparable point)]
        (testing "comparables ="
          (is (apply t/= point (point-in-time-comparable point)))
          (is (apply t/>= point (point-in-time-comparable point))))
        (is (apply t/<= point (point-in-time-comparable later))))
      (doseq [later (point-in-time-comparable later)]
        (is (apply t/>= later (point-in-time-comparable point))))

(deftest duration-test
  (is (= (t/new-duration 1e6 :nanos) (t/new-duration 1 :millis)))
  (is (= (t/new-duration 1e9 :nanos) (t/new-duration 1 :seconds)))
  (is (= (t/new-duration 1000 :millis) (t/new-duration 1 :seconds)))

;; Durations. Convenience functions to create durations of specific
;; units.
(deftest duration-functions-test
  (is (= (t/of-nanos 10) (t/new-duration 10 :nanos)))
  (is (= (t/of-micros 10) (t/new-duration 10 :micros))) ;java.time.Duration doesn't have ofMicros method
  (is (= (t/of-millis 10) (t/new-duration 10 :millis)))
  (is (= (t/of-seconds 10) (t/new-duration 10 :seconds)))
  (is (= (t/of-minutes 10) (t/new-duration 10 :minutes)))
  (is (= (t/of-hours 10) (t/new-duration 10 :hours))))