pow (clj)
(pow a b)
Returns the value of a raised to the power of b.
For more details on special cases, see:
(ns clojure.test-clojure.math
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.math :as m]))
(deftest test-pow
(is (= 1.0 (m/pow 4.0 0.0)))
(is (= 1.0 (m/pow 4.0 -0.0)))
(is (= 4.2 (m/pow 4.2 1.0)))
(is (NaN? (m/pow 4.2 ##NaN)))
(is (NaN? (m/pow ##NaN 2.0)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow 2.0 ##Inf)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow 0.5 ##-Inf)))
(is (= 0.0 (m/pow 2.0 ##-Inf)))
(is (= 0.0 (m/pow 0.5 ##Inf)))
(is (NaN? (m/pow 1.0 ##Inf)))
(is (pos-zero? (m/pow 0.0 1.5)))
(is (pos-zero? (m/pow ##Inf -2.0)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow 0.0 -2.0)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow ##Inf 2.0)))
(is (pos-zero? (m/pow -0.0 1.5)))
(is (pos-zero? (m/pow ##-Inf -1.5)))
(is (neg-zero? (m/pow -0.0 3.0)))
(is (neg-zero? (m/pow ##-Inf -3.0)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow -0.0 -1.5)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/pow ##-Inf 2.5)))
(is (= ##-Inf (m/pow -0.0 -3.0)))
(is (= ##-Inf (m/pow ##-Inf 3.0)))
(is (= 4.0 (m/pow -2.0 2.0)))
(is (= -8.0 (m/pow -2.0 3.0)))
(is (= 8.0 (m/pow 2.0 3.0))))
(deftest test-ulp
(is (NaN? (m/ulp ##NaN)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##Inf)))
(is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##-Inf)))
(is (= Double/MIN_VALUE (m/ulp 0.0)))
(is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp Double/MAX_VALUE)))
(is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp (- Double/MAX_VALUE)))))
(ns migae.math
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math]
[compojure.core :refer :all]
[compojure.route :as route]
[ring.util.response :as rsp]
[ring.util.servlet :as ring]
[ring.middleware.defaults :refer :all]))
(defroutes math-routes
"/math" []
(GET "/plus" {params :query-params} ; query string params
(let [x (read-string (get params "x"))
y (read-string (get params "y"))]
(str (+ x y) "\n")))
(GET "/foo" []
(str "bar"))
(POST "/minus" [x y :as req] ; body params
(str (- (read-string x) (read-string y)) "\n"))
(GET "/times/:x/:y" [x y] ; named (path) params
(-> (rsp/response (str (* (read-string x) (read-string y)) "\n"))
(rsp/content-type "text/html")))
(GET "/power" {:keys [headers] :as req} ; header params
(let [x (read-string (get headers "x-x"))
y (read-string (get headers "x-y"))]
(str (math/expt x y) "\n")))
(route/not-found "<h1>Math API not found</h1>")))