
ulp (clj)



(ulp d)
Returns the size of an ulp (unit in last place) for d. If d is ##NaN => ##NaN If d is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf If d is zero => Double/MIN_VALUE If d is +/- Double/MAX_VALUE => 2^971 See:


(ns clojure.test-clojure.math
    [clojure.test :refer :all]
    [clojure.math :as m]))

(defn ulp=
  "Tests that y = x +/- m*ulp(x)"
  [x y ^double m]
  (let [mu (* (m/ulp x) m)]
    (<= (- x mu) y (+ x mu))))

(deftest test-sin
  (is (NaN? (m/sin ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/sin ##-Inf)))
  (is (NaN? (m/sin ##Inf)))
  (is (pos-zero? (m/sin 0.0)))
  (is (neg-zero? (m/sin -0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/sin m/PI) (- (m/sin (- m/PI))) 1)))

(deftest test-cos
  (is (NaN? (m/cos ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/cos ##-Inf)))
  (is (NaN? (m/cos ##Inf)))
  (is (= 1.0 (m/cos 0.0) (m/cos -0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/cos m/PI) (m/cos (- m/PI)) 1)))

(deftest test-tan
  (is (NaN? (m/tan ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/tan ##-Inf)))
  (is (NaN? (m/tan ##Inf)))
  (is (pos-zero? (m/tan 0.0)))
  (is (neg-zero? (m/tan -0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (- (m/tan m/PI)) (m/tan (- m/PI)) 1)))

(deftest test-acos
  (is (NaN? (m/acos ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/acos -2.0)))
  (is (NaN? (m/acos 2.0)))
  (is (ulp= (* 2 (m/acos 0.0)) m/PI 1)))

(deftest test-atan
  (is (NaN? (m/atan ##NaN)))
  (is (pos-zero? (m/atan 0.0)))
  (is (neg-zero? (m/atan -0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/atan 1) 0.7853981633974483 1)))

(deftest test-radians-degrees-roundtrip
  (doseq [d (range 0.0 360.0 5.0)]
    (is (ulp= (m/round d) (m/round (-> d m/to-radians m/to-degrees)) 1))))

(deftest test-exp
  (is (NaN? (m/exp ##NaN)))
  (is (= ##Inf (m/exp ##Inf)))
  (is (pos-zero? (m/exp ##-Inf)))
  (is (ulp= (m/exp 0.0) 1.0 1))
  (is (ulp= (m/exp 1) m/E 1)))

(deftest test-log
  (is (NaN? (m/log ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/log -1.0)))
  (is (= ##Inf (m/log ##Inf)))
  (is (= ##-Inf (m/log 0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/log m/E) 1.0 1)))

(deftest test-log10
  (is (NaN? (m/log10 ##NaN)))
  (is (NaN? (m/log10 -1.0)))
  (is (= ##Inf (m/log10 ##Inf)))
  (is (= ##-Inf (m/log10 0.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/log10 10) 1.0 1)))

(deftest test-atan2
  (is (NaN? (m/atan2 ##NaN 1.0)))
  (is (NaN? (m/atan2 1.0 ##NaN)))
  (is (pos-zero? (m/atan2 0.0 1.0)))
  (is (neg-zero? (m/atan2 -0.0 1.0)))
  (is (ulp= (m/atan2 0.0 -1.0) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (m/atan2 -0.0 -1.0) (- m/PI) 2))
  (is (ulp= (* 2.0 (m/atan2 1.0 0.0)) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (* -2.0 (m/atan2 -1.0 0.0)) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (* 4.0 (m/atan2 ##Inf ##Inf)) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (/ (* 4.0 (m/atan2 ##Inf ##-Inf)) 3.0) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (* -4.0 (m/atan2 ##-Inf ##Inf)) m/PI 2))
  (is (ulp= (/ (* -4.0 (m/atan2 ##-Inf ##-Inf)) 3.0) m/PI 2)))

(deftest test-ulp
  (is (NaN? (m/ulp ##NaN)))
  (is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##Inf)))
  (is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##-Inf)))
  (is (= Double/MIN_VALUE (m/ulp 0.0)))
  (is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp Double/MAX_VALUE)))
  (is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp (- Double/MAX_VALUE)))))